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Dorm Decor I’m Obsessed With

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Coming into Sophomore year, I knew I wanted my dorm to feel very cozy and be a representation of me. My roommate and I found a middle ground between our two styles and it honestly came out very well. I am so comfortable in my dorm and spend so much more time here than last year. Here are some dorm decorations I would recommend to make your room a little more fun: 

1. Disco Balls

    Hanging from my window, I have a row of miniature disco balls. These are so much fun and remind me of Mama Mia and the 70s. It’s very pretty when the sun shines into the window and the disco balls scatter light and sparkles throughout the room. 

    2. Sunset Lamp

      My roommate and I just purchased one of these and it changed the whole vibe of our room. We are not big fans of the overhead light so this is a perfect way to illuminate the room in a fun, warm way. It’s fun to have people in our room and change the color of the light, but usually we keep it at a pink to match the rest of the room. We got ours on Amazon and it was pretty inexpensive, so totally worth it. 

      3. Plants

        When I moved in this year, I brought all of my real plants with me, but unfortunately they started dying pretty quick. So, instead, I recommend fake plants to add a bit of comfort to your room. We have a hanging plant with a macrame string hanging from the ceiling in our dorm and it adds so much to the atmosphere. 

        4. Bed Skirts

          This one isn’t really decor but I wanted to include it anyway because they made our room look so nice. If you are like my roommate and I, we store a lot of stuff under our bed and sometimes it looks a bit cluttered. We both bought white bedskirts and it hid away all of our stuff and made the room look a lot more clean. 

          5. Fairy Lights

            As I mentioned before, I prefer warm lighting over the overhead light. My roommate and I got matching fairy lights that are so cute and the perfect amount of light. Ours have little lanterns on them and we have them draped over our beds. Most nights we only use our fairy lights and sunset lamp for light. 

            6. Posters

              I find posters a great way to express yourself while matching the theme of the room. Our room is mostly pinks and greens so I tried to find simple posters that matched our theme. For example, I have a poster of The Lumineers, a Van Gogh painting, and my hometown. 

              7. Pictures

                On top of posters, pictures are an amazing way to express yourself through decorations. I printed a bunch of pictures of the people and places that are important to me and arranged them as a collage above my desk. These are a great way to remind myself of all the things/people I love even when I’m not with them. 

                What’s most important is that your room feels like a good representation of you. While these are some decorations I’ve found myself enjoying, your room is completely individualistic. Decorations are essential in making your dorm room feel like a comfortable space, so I recommend getting some that match your vibe and bring you happiness.

                Marisa Monahan

                Holy Cross '26

                Hi! I'm Marisa and I'm from New Hampshire. I love hanging out with friends, listening to music, reading, and a good coffee shop. I am a Psych major with a Neuroscience and Art History minor and will be graduating 2026.