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Decorating My College Bedroom: How I’ve Made This Space My Own

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

My love of interior design and decorating has only grown since the first time I rearranged my room as a middle schooler. I’m constantly looking for new inspiration that I can use to add more meaning to my spaces as I grow and mature.

Naturally, I was so excited to decorate my first college dorm. I filled my phone with pictures from Pinterest hoping to create a beautiful space for myself where I could feel relaxed and at home. Though I’m only a few weeks into my time at Holy Cross, I have found that my room has become a safe space which I attribute to the setup I’ve created for myself. Here are some of the ways I’ve made my room a calming and relaxing space.

  1. Pictures – My wall is absolutely filled with pictures. The wall next to my bed is covered in 4×6’s of my friends, family, pets, quotes, scenes, and many, many other images that bring me comfort. It’s become very calming to see the things I love so much displayed in a central part of my space.
  2. Books – In all honesty, I’m not reading many of the books I brought to college with me. Given all the reading assignments we get here at Holy Cross, I don’t have much time for leisure reading. However, I’ve found it very comforting to display books that hold a particular meaning to me and my family. I chose to bring books that I’ve read many times, giving me a sense of familiarity during a time when so many things in my life have changed. 
  3. Art – I love art and have found that displaying pieces around my space has become a form of self expression. Whether it be a Monet print I bought in Paris or a picture my sister painted, I find a sense of comfort in art. Looking at art also reminds me of my love for creating, which gives me motivation daily.
  4. Bedding – Coming to college, I was so worried my sleep schedule would change because I love my bed from home so much. However, the bed setup in my dorm room has made my sleeping habits very successful. Over the summer, I made sure to choose a comforter with neutral colors that I felt I would use throughout college and added a toile throw for fun. I packed a bunch of pillows onto my bed and made sure they matched or accented the color of the comforter.
  5. Familiar Items – During the week before leaving for school, I collected various items from my childhood that I felt would create a more homey environment within my dorm. For example, I love perfume, and I made sure to take my favorites so I can see them as I get ready each day. Similarly, I brought jewelry and other accessories that I love, so I could feel more at home. Finally, my plant from home is displayed on my windowsill, something I especially wanted in my dorm room.

I still have a lot to learn when it comes to finding the best ways to keep myself comfortable in this new environment, but each time I bring friends to my room, I am filled with a sense of pride in what I have created for myself.

Regina Palladino

Holy Cross '27

Hi! My name is Gina Palladino, and I'm from Pittsburgh, PA. I attended an all girls, Catholic high school in Pittsburgh until beginning my time at Holy Cross this fall. I spend most of my free time scrolling through Pinterest, hanging out with friends and family, taking pictures on my digital camera, rewatching my favorite TV shows, making art, and listening to music. Some of my favorite artists are Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Billy Joel, The Beatles, and Billie Ellish!