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Dan Donahue ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

This week you can read everything you never knew you wanted to know about Dan Donahue! Laidback, smart, talented, and sophisticated, Dan is the cutie on campus we all aspire to find (or be!).


Name: Dan Donahue

Major: Economics

Class Year: 2018

Campus Activities: Club Golf, WCHC Sports Radio, International Immersion Program, Campus Ministry, Admissions Outreach, Pre-business, Sales Club, Finance Club

Hometown: Fairfield, Connecticut


Favorite thing about your mom: How she knows what I need to be doing more than I do

One thing you can’t live without: College basketball

Guilty Pleasure: Playing Madden ’08 on rookie and beating the computer by upwards of 100 points

Boxers or briefs: Boxers, 100 percent

Cats or dogs: People are gonna hate me for this… but neither…but I can tolerate both

Who would you trade places with? Bradley Cooper

Drake or Meek Mill? Drake, not even a contest

Truth or dare? Truth, the easy way out

What’s your top choice for karaoke? Piano Man, very cliché


Love Life:

Relationship Status: In the words of Dom Castoro, “very single”

Deal Breaker: Standoffish, doesn’t treat everyone with respect

Deal Maker: Smile

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Aniston in season 3 of Friends

What’s something you’ve done to impress a girl? In 8th grade I was playing in a home basketball game and I had a big crush on one of the cheerleaders. So, during the game, I made a three pointer and afterward, as I was heading back up the court, I pointed at her and winked. She hugged my after the game

Ideal date at HC: Sunset picnic in the Botanical Gardens of the Science Complex 

HC bucket list: Kiss a pretty lady on the Samuel Adams ledge (Live. Love. Leits.)

One thing you look for in a girl at HC: How they treat the NARFs. If you treat NARFs well, you’re good in my book


Personal Life:

Have you ever had an imaginary friend? When I was a kid, I had an imaginary opponent in basketball

Biggest pet peeve: Unnecessary rambling in class discussions

Embarrassing story parents tell about you: When I was two, they took me and my older sister to Disney World, and on the bus ride home I looked up at my dad, smiled, and s**t my diaper. My parents were so embarrassed. At the next stop everyone else got off the bus

Current Anthem: It’s a toss up between any musical creations of Kyle Kadamian and Roc Boys by Jay-Z

Have you ever given money to a homeless person? No, but I bought a homeless person two slices of pizza once

Secret talent: World-class schmoozer with everybody except for girls my own age

Best physical attribute: Toss up between calves, butt, and eyes

Motto:  People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be

Stuck on an island, what three things would you bring? The Stranger album by Billy Joel, a genie for unlimited wishes, and Conor Carey  


Campus Life:

Why did you pick Holy Cross? The people

Go-to meal at Croads: A buffalo chicken flatbread

Most attractive Crusader: Chris Rehm

Favorite class you’ve taken: WWII Historical Themes class with Professor Hooper

Memory from freshmen year: St. Patrick’s Day, in general. I had a friend from high school visit and we just spent the whole day being ridiculously Irish

Bar or house party: Are we talking Leits? Actually no, both. I’m a fun-loving guy

What is a current trend that girls/guys participate in that you hate? The man bun (sorry Nick Lacasse)

Special shout-out to someone: Joe Bellitti, Third Eye Blind is garbo


Sophomore and History and English double major at the College of the Holy Cross