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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

This past week, I made my return to Holy Cross Club Tennis practices. I originally hadn’t gone this semester because I was running a half marathon and didn’t want to overtrain or hurt myself. But last week, I had no excuse. With the nice weather, on top of it being the two very last practices of this year, I convinced my friend (fellow Her Campus member: Fiona Smith) to join me. We managed to drag ourselves down the hill to the tennis courts from 6-7:30 pm on Monday and Wednesday. 

And the thing is– I had an amazing time both days. I love playing tennis more than anything, and it felt great to get fresh air and exercise while having fun with friends. I left feeling great mentally and physically. This pattern is not uncommon for me. It always takes a lot of mental effort to go to club tennis practice in the fall and spring, and I always end up having a great time. 

Something similar came up yesterday morning when I was doing a CBL (community-based learning) reflection during my Latin class. Every Wednesday, I used to get stressed out about how much time CBL took out of my day. However, every time I left the elementary school I used to do it at, I would leave in a much better mood than I had been in all day. I have always loved spending time with kids, so I don’t know why I would spend so much time worrying about the time it took to dedicate my afternoon to them.

These two things made me realize that I need to switch my mindset. Going into finals week, I am going to try to be more positive and excited to do things– especially those that I know for a fact will make me happy.

Bridget O'Toole

Holy Cross '26

Hi! I am a sophomore at Holy Cross and am majoring in English and minoring in Architectural Studies. I'm from Long Island, New York, and my favorite things include skiing, reading, yoga, and the beach!