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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As the weather gets warmer, and the shorts and sundresses are being pulled forward from the back of the closet, insecurities that were hidden with oversized sweaters and baggy jeans, are also being pulled forward from the back of my brain. When it’s cold out, it is so easy to cover up your insecurities, push them away, and even forget about them. So this year, as it becomes warmer, I’m writing this as a reminder of everything my body does for me, and why I should love it, not hate it. I am hoping as I write this, it helps me, and maybe it can help whoever is reading it to remember why we should all love our bodies. 

Dear Body,

Thank you for everything you have ever done for me, and I am sorry for everything I have ever done to you. I am sorry for the times I have starved you, surviving all day on a coffee, either from forgetting to eat, or from saying that you are not worthy enough to eat. You are always worthy to eat. You are always worthy to experience the best things life has to offer. Yet, no matter what I have done to you, you continue to support me. 

To my legs: Thank you for always holding me up, and never failing to get me from point A to point B. Thank you for allowing me to go on hikes with my family, to go on runs with my dog, to go bike riding on summer days. Thank you for allowing me to dance all night, and to dance so freely with the people I love. Thank you for all the stairs you climb every day at Holy Cross (I know it can be a lot). Thank you for (literally) supporting me every day.

To my stomach: I know you have taken a lot of the blame and hatred from me because of my insecurities, but you do not deserve that. You work with whatever I take in that day and create energy for me to get through the day, whether that be a coffee, a five-course meal, or a bowl of yogurt, you find a way to create enough energy for me. If I decide to have children one day, you are there providing a safe space for them. Thank you.

To my arms: Thank you for allowing me to hug my loved ones and for tirelessly working every day carrying my books and writing out papers and study guides. Thank you for allowing me to do the thing I love the most, archery. The sport has changed my life in every way, and none of that would have been possible if you were not strong enough to pull the bow back. Thank you for allowing me to carry my groceries in from the store and allowing me to pick up my little cousins and hold them. 

Thank you to my body for remaining strong, even as I have continuously tried to tear you down day after day, year after year. You deserve to be loved and treated right. 

Love always, 


Callie Gillan

Holy Cross '26

Callie is a current sophomore at Holy Cross and is studying Political Science and Psychology. In her free time she loves reading, trying new coffee places and going to the beach.