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7 bad things that happen when it snows on the Hill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.


  1. The chances of falling on your face increase dramatically

You’re sick of wearing your bean boots, so you ditch the concept of practicality and take a risk by sporting your cute black booties. Sadly, the vast amounts of slush that have built up do not agree with this choice and you nearly slip five times on your way to class. At least you were able to gracefully redeem yourself (?? lol). 



  1. The walk back from Hart becomes a danger zone

Walking up the Hill for your workout is one thing, but having to navigate your way back down when you’re 5x more worn out and the snow is blowing directly in your face is a whole other ordeal. Not only am I usually unable to recognize anyone who passes me by, but I’m usually too busy keeping my head down to avoid the feeling of getting snow in my eyeball to realize if there’s a car in the premise about to run me over.


  1. Good hair days are over in a second

It frustrates me when I see girls walking around campus looking like adorable little snow bunnies in their fur parkas and pompom hats. Even when I’m having a rare good hair day, the snow just makes it look like I have an abnormal amount of dandruff, and when I try to rock a hat, my hair ends up looked matted and generally unpleasant to look at #thestruggle.



  1. Your favorite bar is closed

I was pretty upset when I couldn’t hit up Varsity last week due to some power outage/weather-related incident. After spending two solid days in my room (Maggie, you’re a great roommate, but I couldn’t watch one more episode of Sex and the City and keep my sanity), I had a lot of pent-up energy I thought I could dance away on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, I was stuck inside, but at least my hair looked on point after having already eagerly straightened it.


  1. Ordering an iced drink becomes riskier than ever

Not only do you chance extremely judgey looks from the Cool Beans baristas, but you risk your hands becoming numb when trekking back to your dorm carrying your beloved iced coffee. Being an iced-drink kind of girl myself, it really depends on whether or not I need full hand function for my next activity; if you have a test in 10 minutes, I would recommend a hot vanilla latte.

  1. You have to decide whether to take an Uber off-campus

The real debate happens when it’s Saturday night, there’s a party off-campus, and it’s game-time decision: do you risk the health of your body by walking all the way there in the snow? Or do you fork over money you really shouldn’t be spending by calling a cab or an Uber to take you on a two-minute ride? Having taken both routes on separate occasions, I can easily vouch for the latter option. Having your skin match your blue dress isn’t always the cutest look.


  1. Your dorm or your dorm hallway become filled with water and boots

Personally, I would rather not have pools of water fill my dorm room, so like many people, I tend to leave my wet, snowy boots in the hallway. Either way, however, the dorms definitely don’t look their best during these wintery days. I wait for the day each year we get the inevitable emails telling us we need to remove our boots from the hallway or else they will get thrown out; although, I think I would rather that than watch my room transform into a swimming pool.