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5 Tips on How to Deal with Stress at Holy Cross

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As students at Holy Cross, we encounter all kinds of stress. Of course, there is academic stress, but there is also  work related stress, friend drama, and family/relationship tension. Regardless of its source, stress is detrimental to your health and wellbeing. Though stress is unavoidable, here are some ways to cope with it, and ultimatel,  live happy and balanced lives  

  1. Don’t Overload your ScheduleThis seemingly simple tip can actually be rather challenging. First, you have to know yourself and how many responsibilities you can handle. If you’re a varsity athlete as well as being in the choir and SPUD, you may not be able to join Working for Worcester, for example. Furthermore, it’s important to prioritize. This could mean not going out on a Wednesday when you have a paper due the next day, if you don’t think having a fun night is worth more stress in the long run.
  2. Exercise RegularlyEven if you are super busy, it’s a good idea to squeeze some time in to exercise. There are multiple studies that show exercise improves brain function as well as releasing endorphins that make you feel good! Even if it’s just a few reps of jumping jacks and planks in your dorm between homework assignments, you’ll feel the improvement in your work ethic and focus.
  3. Write it DownThis tip is slightly unusual, but it works really well. Before a test, write down all of your worries, fears, and stresses. There is something therapeutic about clearing your mind before an important assignment, and it can ultimately help you perform better!  This also works if you keep a pen and paper by your bed. Personally, I remember everything I need to do as soon as I get all comfy in bed. If you write these tasks down, you won’t worry you forgot to do something, and you can enjoy a more peaceful sleep.
  4. Make a SoundtrackSome people listen to music while studying, others need perfect silence. Regardless, listening to music for an hour a day can help improve your mood and prevent stress. A great alternative to music is white noise. There is this great app called “Relax Melodies” that has tons of options for types of white noise such as rain, ocean waves, even a campfire. This app is ideal for relaxation and concentration without the urge to sing along!
  5. Take a WalkThough this idea is a bit similar to exercising, there is something refreshing about getting fresh air. Go for a walk (even a quick one) if you feel stressed and explore a part of campus you’ve never been to before. Who knows, while strolling amongst our beautiful ivy covered buildings, you may find the inspiration you need for whatever was your cause of stress in the first place!