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5 Series Worth Binge-Watching This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Admit it, we all need to spend the occasional Friday night alone in our room with a good snack and an even better show. And yes, sometimes this does happen more than one night a week. And yes, sometimes it interferes with studying. Regardless, as an avid Netflixer, I have composed a definitive ranking of my favorite series on Netflix to date that are perfect for these kinds of nights.

5. House of Cards

Without a doubt, one of the most intriguing series I have ever watched. Frank Underwood will keep you guessing, and if you’re a PoliSci major, you’ll be hoping that in real life D.C. isn’t like how it’s portrayed in the series (even though that would be pretty cool).


4. Orange is the New Black

I imagine that if any of us ever found ourselves in jail for whatever reason, we would all be able to relate to Piper Chapman. It’s impossible to watch this series and not have a soft spot for all the female felons after learning their stories and getting to know them.


3. Freaks and Geeks


If you don’t feel like you can make a huge time commitment to a series, Freaks and Geeks would be ideal for you. Cancelled after only 18 episodes, F & G is short and sweet but manages to capture the angst and drama of high school life. Not to mention a young James Franco plays the bad boy, Daniel Desario- and we know that’s reason enough!  


2. How I Met Your Mother

While I’m sure the internet has probably already ruined the identity of the mother for you, it is still worth it to watch all nine seasons of How I Met Your Mother, if for no other reason than to get to know the goofy and lovable Marshall Eriksen. HIMYM is certainly one of the most legend- wait for it-dary series to date.


1. Friday Night Lights

FNL is undoubtedly my favorite series on Netflix. If you don’t want to be a resident of Dillon after watching this show, you’re clearly doing it wrong. From Coach Taylor to Tim Riggins, there is no short supply of eye candy or drama on and off the football field. Of course, don’t forget Landry for comedic relief. While personally I prefer seasons one through three, all five are certainly worth watching. Texas forever!

Happy Binging!