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3 Easy Ways To Destress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

The first few weeks of school are fun and all, but then suddenly, school intensifies and you have more homework than ever. Sure, the lovely fall weather can keep you distracted and destressed, but what do you do when you’ve been in Dinand for hours and need a break? Below are a few ideas on how to destress, especially coming off the heels of fall break!

1. Spruce up your dorm with some greenery

It may sound a little strange, but buying a plant will not only brighten up your dorm but also provide a little hint of rest and relaxation! My roommate and I have a terrarium, and it gives our room a little more zen and makes it easier to do work in the dorm when we don’t feel like trekking to Dinand. If you’re looking for an easy roomie bonding activity, DIY your own succulent garden.. very Martha Stewart. And now that fall is here, line your windowsill with some festive gourds! Happy Harvest!

2. Take breaks…lots of them

I know this may seem obvious but sometimes when you’re in the study zone in the basement of Dinand you forget that the rest of the world is still going on. So take breaks, go for a walk around campus (check out the amazing foilage), meet a friend at Cool Beans (acapella groups perform at 10 almost every night!!), make a few laps around Dinand, or take a Netflix breather to catch up on your favorite show (ummm… “Gilmore Girls” is now available for instant streaming). Your brain and your grades will thank you later. Just remember to do your homework somewhere in between these breaks!

3. Explore exercise classes/ Try a quick dorm room workout!

The trek to Hart (or even the walk to Loyola) may seem a little daunting at times, especially in the Worcester winter! Never fear though, there are still plenty of opportunities to take a little time for yourself with student-taught exercise classes. This is a perfect opportunity to try something new and fun with your friends or even for some of your own relaxation time. A variety of yoga and Zumba classes are just a few of your options, so take a breath and let the fun begin!