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24 Signs You’re Basic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It’s hard to sip your PSL (pumpkin spice latte) or Instagram publiclly without being called “basic”. But, does anyone know what it really means? And how can you really know if you’re basic? Is it a shirt, something you eat, or just something that you’re born with? To help you figure out if you fall into this “basic” category (beware: we all do), I’ve come up with 25 ways to determine whether or not you’re a Mount Saint James basic betch.

  1.  You’ve been a cat for Halloween….ever.
  2.  You’ve been a police officer for Halloween…ever.
  3. Basically, if you were the “slutty” version of something for Halloween freshman year.
  4. You spend your Thursday nights waiting for the last call at Rumors before retiring to the Hookah bar next door with your fav Woo Rats.
  5.  You “JUST LOVEEEEE” pink lemonade Burnett’s.
  6.  You’ve been carried up College Street more than twice.
  7.  You find yourself smiling and giddy when listening to “Shower”.
  8.  You were just DYING to go on stage with Nelly.
  9.  You can’t seem to remember going on stage with Nelly for Spring Weekend.
  10.  You “killed it” at Cape Week 2k14 with all the seniors.
  11.  You honestly loved living in Mulledy as a sophomore.
  12.  You wear short spandex when you work out and are not currently a member of the track team.
  13.  You can be seen wearing Jacks, Tory, Lilly, or Vineyard Vines at all times.
  14. You spent all your dining dollars on Vanilla Skinny lattes and sushi from Lower.
  15. It takes you more than 13 minutes from waking up to walk into Stein for class.
  16.  You’ve instagrammed Fenwick..
  17. You’ve instagrammed HC in the snow.
  18.  You participate in Hanselgames/ Wheeler’s Most Wanted (What is Mulledy??).
  19.  You made out with a WPI boy at the Edge.
  20.  You’ve been to the Edge 4+ times. ( or..You went to the Edge for anything other than free pizza and Wings over Worcester)
  21. You own a Lilly Pulitzer planner… or Kate Spade for that matter.
  22.  You workout everyday as a NARP….on the elliptical.
  23.  You can’t wait for sophomore year on Clark beach!
  24.  You’re trying to deny that you do in fact do 23 .
If there's anything I've mastered in this life, it's a successful hair flip.