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23 Questions I Have for the People that I Pass by Everyday on the Hill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.
  1. Who are you?
  2. What is your name?
  3. What building do you live in?
  4. Where are you going? Class? Gym?
  5. Are you meeting up with friends? Do we have any mutual friends?
  6. What is your major?
  7. What year are you?
  8. Are you on a sports team?
  9. Who are you talking to on the phone? Your mom? Your grandma?
  10. Why do you take this path to class?
  11. Do you go to the gym at 3:00 too?
  12. Where do you usually sit in Kimball? Left or right side?
  13. What are you drinking?
  14. Where did you get your coat?
  15. Are you the person that sat on the opposite side of my cubby on Sunday?
  16. Why do you always insist on listening to music on your jaunts to class?
  17. What are you listening too? (T-swift’s new album? If so, I’d be totally down if you played it out loud)
  18. Were you the kid that sat in the back of my Econ class?
  19. Did you go to my high school? Should we say hi?
  20. What made you think those shoes were the right pair to wear?
  21. Are you scrolling through instagram or Facebook?
  22. When you’re not scrolling….do you see me too?
  23. I know you do! Hey, maybe next time we’re out and happen to walk past each other AGAIN, we could say hi? I bet we’d be great friends!

Holy Cross is a campus filled with so many intriguing and wonderful people. So, the next time you see that one person around that always catches your eye, flash a smile or a wave. I promise it’ll make their day as much as it does yours…and if not just keep walking and pretend your mom is calling you.

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Evan Grogan

Holy Cross

Evan Grogan is a senior at the College of the Holy Cross who is studying abroad for the year at the University of St Andrews. She is an English and Art History double major and eventually hopes to attend graduate school for journalism and write for The New York Times. When Evan is not busy with school and writing for both Holy Cross' newspaper and Her Campus, she loves to read; go for runs; and spend time with her friends. She is obsessed with the color navy, rainbow sprinkles, and anything involving glitter.