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20 for 20: My Bucket List for Turning 20

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As I’m eagerly waiting to blow out the candles on my 20th birthday cake this Sunday, I feel as though I’m not just celebrating another year passing by, but I’m embarking on a whole new chapter of my life. As I step into my twenties I’m nervous yet excited about what’s to come. So narcissistically, in honor of myself entering my twenties, here are 20 things I’m adding to my bucket list for the year. 

  1. Meeting new people: As I’m beyond excited to be studying in Belfast next semester, a main goal of mine is to make a slew of new friends. I can’t wait to meet new people, from different cultures, and to make new memories and lifetime connections.
  1. Travel: Similar to meeting new people, my study abroad experience next fall will offer me a lot of opportunities to travel. I really want to push myself to go outside my comfort zone, and to really experience new cultures.
  1. Start a passion project: I’ve always been creative at heart, and I feel as though sometimes college can dim that light. So this year I want to set aside some time to create something special.
  1. Attending more concerts: I love a good concert, but sometimes I feel like I can’t justify spending the money. So this year I want to put aside some of these worries and go. Money will always come back!
  1. Volunteer more: Giving back to my community and making a positive impact has always been so important to me. Sometimes I let my studies get in the way of things that really matter, like volunteering. This year I want to help others more!
  1. Learn to drive: Now this is embarrassing, but I’m turning 20 and still don’t have my license. Watch out New York, because this summer I’m passing my road test!
  1. Start a regular exercise routine: I want to prioritize my physical and mental health more, by incorporating regular exercise into my daily routine, whether it’s yoga, running or weightlifting. 
  1. Read more: I love reading, but a lot of the time I can’t justify reading something that isn’t school related. I want to read a diverse selection of books across different genres and subjects this year.
  1. Build my capsule wardrobe: I really want to start my capsule wardrobe of pieces that are uniquely me, and pieces I can wear for a long time. 
  1.  Practice gratitude: I want to cultivate an attitude of gratitude by reflecting on the blessings in my life and expressing appreciation for the people and experiences that I have.
  1.  Spend more time with my dog: Even though this pains me to write, my best furry friend is getting old. As his life is slowly coming to an end, I want to cherish his place in my life. I want to spend as much time with him as I possibly can!
  1.  Budget: Even though I quoted “money will come back,” regardless I need to be smart about budgeting this year. Studying abroad is certainly an expensive venture, and I need to think through my purchases this year. 
  1.  Get Organized: I really need to start an excel spreadsheet for my future and to keep track of my networking. 
  1. Start Journaling: I feel like almost every year, I sit down to start a journey that I forget about days later. This year I need to consistently start writing down my thoughts and feelings.
  1.  Paint more: As a mainly digital focused artist, sometimes I forget about some of the other mediums I used to love. I need to set aside time to put my brush back on a canvas again!
  1. Photography: I really want to invest in a digital camera, so I can document my travels and special moments with my friends. Having a camera to look back on photos can be so much more special then those lost in my camera roll. 
  1. Go to the beach more: I live on Long Island, and I simply don’t go to the beach enough. I often feel self conscious about myself at the beach, and I need to learn to let that go. The beach is a beautiful and relaxing place that I need to embrace. 
  1.  Self love: I am my harshest critic. I rarely am positive about anything pertaining to myself. I need to learn to love myself, and this journey starts now!
  1.  Confidence: I am always the shy kid in the classroom, second guessing myself to even raise my hand. I need to put myself out there, and share my ideas. I can’t let anxiety stop me from letting my opinions out. 
  1.  Live authentically: Above all, I want to live authentically and be true to myself. I want to embrace my uniqueness, and pursue my passions, without worrying about what others think of me. 

As this new chapter in my life is about to begin, I’m filled with the promise of endless possibilities and exciting adventures. I can’t wait to embrace each moment with enthusiasm and curiosity. Your twenties are a time for self-discovery, growth, and exploration. I know this new decade will shape the person I’ll become! Cheers to me, and to all my fellow twenty year olds, to embracing the journeys and to making the most of every moment along the way. 

Lauren Blum

Holy Cross '26

Hey, I’m Lauren, I'm a second year from Long Island, NY. I love making art, listening to music, and spending time with my dog.