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V-Week at Hollins University

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hollins chapter.

At Hollins, it’s go hard or go home and this week FMLA (Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance) is going hard to fight violence against women and girls. FMLA is sponsoring great events all week long, starting tonight at 8 PM, with Stitch and Bitch: A Vagina Craft Night in the Rat. Check out the V-Week schedule below. All events can also be found on Facebook!

Tuesday“Until the Violence Stops” Screening – 8 PM in the Neiderer Auditorium, located in the VAC. This film tracks the movement that sprung up with The Vagina Monologues. Featuring powerful interviews and performances from famous activists, actresses, men, and women, “Until the Violence Stops,” tells the story of widespread abuse against women and the healing process that can, and should occur. 

Wednesday“Over it” Open Mic Night — 8 PM in the Rat, located in the Moody Student Center. Inspired by Eve Ensler’s piece “Over It,” this event encourages artists to speak out against violence towards women, embrace female empowerment and support fellow performers, artists and women. 

ThursdayMemorial for Victims and Survivors of Violence – All day (7:30 AM – 8 PM) on Front Quad, this memorial provides a respectful place for reflection for survivors of violence as well as members of our community who have lost loved ones to violence and those who are simple aware of the problem. FMLA will provide flowers and the event will take place, rain or shine. 

Friday“A Memory, a Monologue, A Rant, and a Prayer.” This collection of monologues will be performed and directed by Hollins students. There are two performances over the weekend, at 7:30 in the Upstairs Studio Theater. Tickets can be purchased at the door, as well as at other V-Day events. Check out our event blog for more details!

The Hollins community is held together by a powerful sense of sisterhood, for which we are profoundly lucky. Not all women have the strong support system that Hollins students do and V-Week gives us the chance to address the struggles that women everywhere face. Please try and make it to at least one of these events. We’re Hollins ladies, we go hard or go home. 

Amber is a recent graduate from Hollins University. She greatly enjoyed her time as HC Hollins Editor-In-Chief and looks forward to seeing what great things new students bring to the branch.