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Senior Class President: Yafen Liang

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hollins chapter.

Name: Yafen Liang
Astrological Sign:  Gemini
Major: Creative Writing & Business, Certificate in Leadership
What did you do over the summer? I had an awesome internship at Simon and Schuster Publishing. I read all day long and wrote copy for newsletters, e-samplers and tons of press releases.What got you involved with extracurriculars? Throughout undergrad, I had done choir and did some work with the campus newspaper, the Hollins Columns, but ultimately it was SGA that I was most interested in. I wanted to do more than go to class and work and SGA is a great way to get involved.
What made you pick Hollins University? Definitely the Creative Writing and abroad programs.
What is your experience with SGA? It’s amazing. When you make the most of your position on campus, it really opens doors for you and I love contributing to my peers’ experience on campus. If it weren’t for SGA, I probably wouldn’t have got the offer for the S&S internship. HR wanted someone for marketing and publicity and having been the Publicity and Promotions Chair for the Hollins Activity Board really solidified their interest in me.
What advice do you have for freshman who might want to get involved in student government? Running for a position or going in front of appointment board may be a bit daunting but you just have to try! You’ll never know if you don’t try.
What has your favorite class here been so far? Memoirs with David Payne. He was a visiting professor and I did my best writing in this class; as a teacher and as a mentor, he was amazing.
What is your favorite Hollins tradition? Tinker Day! What other school do you know that lets you cut a day of class just to eat Krispy Kreme donuts and hike up a mountain?!
What are your plans for after you graduate? I’m headed home to New York City, but unsure about job prospects. Luxury goods industry or publishing? We’ll have to see.

Angie or Jen? Poor Jen, but Angie is way sexier.
Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds? Gosling, hands down.
Pepsi or Coke? Coke.
Biggest Role Model? Adam Levine.
Favorite Quote? Every artist was first an amateur. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Amber is a recent graduate from Hollins University. She greatly enjoyed her time as HC Hollins Editor-In-Chief and looks forward to seeing what great things new students bring to the branch.