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Ask Ashlee: This Fall’s Biggest Fashion Fail

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hollins chapter.

 We have all see it. We may have even done it ourselves, however the fashion fail for this fall is ill-fitting clothing.  I am sure there have been many times in which we all have gone out and seen someone in shorts which do not cover the entirety of their behind, or the infamous t-shirt that slowly becomes a belly shirt with every movement the individual partakes in. Let us just say NO, NO, NO! It is not attractive!

We all know that it’s uncomfortable with the constant pulling and tugging to properly position it to its appropriate location. Is anyone else tired of seeing women wearing that slinky jersey knit material when they shouldn’t? Even women with perfect bodies can wear clothing so tight that rolls are created! Every shape and size is beautiful, but please don’t squish yourself into 3 sizes too small to be attractive. Bottom line is you already are beautiful to begin with.

Now I have talked about clothes that are too small, but let’s touch on clothes that are too big. With the growing trend of wearing a shirt or sweater two sizes too large, many people take that privilege a little beyond the boundaries of boho chic.
If you are wearing an off the shoulder shirt, yet are having to continually pull the shirt up to keep your precious cargo from going public this is a good enough reason to think of alternatives. The hassle of continually adjusting your clothing, while still trying to maintain that fabulous look is not a good combination. An equation to live by: You+ Too Small/Too Big= Uncomfortably Unfabulous!
Ashlee O., Keepin’ It Real For Real For Real!

Ashlee Oliver is a junior at Hollins University; majoring in Economics with a minor in International Business. After she graduates she aspires to join a sales/marketing team with a television network or in the fashion industry. She hopes people can find some aid in the Her Campus articles and video blogs not only on your school website or even the central Her Campus site; yet explore the sites of your Her Campus counterparts from other universities. Stay Fabulicious! xoxo
Amber is a recent graduate from Hollins University. She greatly enjoyed her time as HC Hollins Editor-In-Chief and looks forward to seeing what great things new students bring to the branch.