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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hollins chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity is none other than Abby Hargreaves, co-editor of Her Campus Hollins! We caught her while she was getting ready from Thanksgiving break to ask her a few questions about Her Campus Hollins.

Her Campus Hollins: What drew you to Her Campus?

Abby Hargreaves: I was drawn to Her Campus because I’m always interested in gaining more leadership skills. Her Campus paired writing with leading — I can’t think of a better marriage.

HCH: How has the experience been so far?

AH: The experience has been interesting. There’s a lot involved with working for Her Campus but it’s been great trying out new things and learning even more.

HCH: What are you looking forward to doing with Her Campus?

AH: I’m looking forward to helping students on campus have a voice, when they feel like they might not have another platform to talk about the things they care about.

HCH: Have you seen Her Campus impacting Hollins much so far?

AH: There’s been a lot of excitement around Her Campus on campus so far. It’s also something new for Hollins in the sense that we’re a heavily creative-writing-focused school. While we have a lot of excellent expository and nonfiction type classes available on campus, there are fewer opportunities in extracurricular activities to write “non-creative” pieces.

HCH: Now, moving on to some non-Her Campus-related matters, tell us a little about yourself. What is your major?

AH: I am an English major with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in Psychology.

HCH: Excellent. What else are you involved with on campus?

AH: I’ve been in Housing & Residence Life for three years. My sophomore year I was a resident assistant in Tinker for first years. Last year and this year I’ve worked as the Head Resident Assistant of New Student Programming. During my sophomore year I was also a Grapheon co-chair for a semester. I try not to over-load myself with activities because I tend to get a little over-invested.

HCH: That’s good to hear; Hollins students have a tendency to overload. Do you have any advice for students who might find themselves in over their heads?

AH: I advise students who feel overwhelmed to first of all make a list of all the things they’re involved in and rate on a scale of 1-5 how much they really care about those things. Pick the top two or three. If you really can’t decide, talk to your mentors to figure out what you’re passionate about and what will help you in the future.

HCH: Well, thank you for your time. Do you have anything else you want to tell us?

AH: Don’t stop believin’.

HCH: Excellent words from a Hollins student. Thanks again, Abby.