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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Here we are again, at the beginning of a new semester, a new year, and rather surprisingly, a whole new decade.

I hope that this new decade will be a decade of changes – and by that, I mean changes for the better! I am not sure whether this planet can be saved, but where there is life, there is hope.

So, this semester we will preserve the good vibe of our chapter, publish interesting and entertaining articles, while spicing up the mixture with some heavier themes and topics. At least I am able to guarantee that we will explore topics such as feminism, self-care, food and topical issues. We are very optimistic that you will continue to enjoy our content this year too!

Let us embark on this journey called a New Year. Many challenges lie ahead, but also many great surprises, and we will find ourselves learning more and more about things we knew nothing about last year. I am certain that sooner than we notice it is Christmas once more!

We are excited to announce that we made it to this decade, and we are thrilled to continue towards the lovely spring with all our readers!

Here’s hoping for a wondrous new year and semester!



HC at Helsinki team

Helsinki Contributor
Siiri Sinko

Helsinki '21

The author is a student of political history in the University of Helsinki. She is a sensible freak who enjoys the fine little details of life. Her interests and hobbies include history, music, visual arts, cartoons, national symbols and international competitions.