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Signs of Christmas around Helsinki

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Christmas is approaching fast and the signs are showing all over Helsinki: stores are whipping out their Christmas decorations, Christmas trees are popping up everywhere, and all kinds of Christmas events are being organized for the enjoyment of us all.

Itäkeskus is boasting a massive Christmas tree right in the middle of the mall, and I even spotted Santa Claus taking present requests from little children. Seppälä had also put up cute decorations in its windows and was promoting their lounge wear – perfect for snuggling in bed during winter.

The annual women’s Christmas fair was organized again in Wanha Satama, where artisans of all kinds were selling jewelry, Christmas-y baked goods and clothing.

Stockmann has put up its famous Christmas windows – although they aren’t nearly as impressive as previous years – and Senaatintori is hosting the annual Tuomaan Markkinat. Tuomaan Markkinat is a Christmas market that is held in the centre of Helsinki every year for two weeks at a time (it’s still open next week, so be sure to check it out) with over a 100 merchants selling Christmas goods.

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.