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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Nowadays, there are so many different streaming services. It can be hard to know which one to choose since the options are so numerous. Or should you maybe avoid choosing altogether and invest in more than one? But that can be expensive, is it really worth it? These are all really good questions that you should be asking. To make the choice easier for you, I rated the streaming services I use so you can see whether they would fit your needs as well. I personally use four different streaming services at the moment which is only possible because I share the costs of each one with several other people. That is something I definitely recommend doing. After this review, you can decide whether you need them all or if maybe one or two would be enough. Or none, after all there are also tons of other streaming services out there to choose from!


I gotta say, I really like Netflix. The content there is super diverse and there is A LOT of it. You’ll always find something new to watch on Netflix, be it a movie or a series. Netflix has mostly good quality shows and movies as well. This streaming service provides content for many different kinds of people. I, for example, like action and fantasy whereas my mom likes documentaries and romance and we can both find lots of interesting things to watch on Netflix. The only downside to Netflix, in my opinion, is its price. It is quite a bit more expensive than some of the other platforms but then again it has more content. I definitely recommend using this service with other people so that you can share the costs.


Disney+ also has a lot of content, though it is a bit less diverse than Netflix’s. However, the content has gotten a lot more diverse with the addition of the Star-service. I would mostly recommend this streaming service if you are a fan of Disney classics, Star Wars or Marvel Cinematics Universe. I am a big fan of all three, so Disney+ is perfect for me. However, if you don’t really watch any of these, you might have a bit of a hard time trying to find things to watch. Disney+ is really cheap compared to how much content it has, which is great. I would say it is worth getting even though you don’t watch it super actively, though again its content is not for everyone.


Honestly, I don’t really see how HBO Max is different from just HBO. I have HBO Max because there was an offer to get it really cheap but if I’m quite honest, I don’t use it that much. My mom loves it, though. It’s got just the kind of movies and shows she likes: documentaries and romance. Of course there is other kinds of content as well, but mainly I would recommend HBO for someone with a bit of a more mature taste. I wouldn’t necessarily get HBO with its full price, but keep an eye out for good offers. HBO does have some really good shows, such as The Handmaid’s Tale and Game of Thrones that are of very high quality and I think most people would enjoy, but they are again meant for a more mature audience.

As you can tell by the name, this is an anime streaming service. So, if you don’t like anime, you won’t like this one. I only got Wakanim to see Attack on Titan because it is not available on Netflix in my country. This streaming service has got some other really good stuff as well, but most of it is available on other streaming services, mostly Netflix. So, you won’t necessarily need this service if your country’s Netflix has a good selection of anime. Then again, this service is really cheap so even if you only use it for a few shows you can’t see anywhere else, I think it’s worth it. And of course, if you are a fan of anime, you should definitely get this one.

Lotta Nieminen

Helsinki '24

I study social science and when I don't I really like to look at butterflies, take naps and think about how I'm going to make the world a better place some day.