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Her Campus Helsinki is Back from the Holidays!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Welcome back to the university, collegiettes! It’s time for a new semester and thus Her Campus Helsinki is back in business again! We hope that you all had a great summer, whether you spent it working, travelling, studying or doing nothing in particular.

Apart from our other summer explorations, we spent some happy sunny days planning the upcoming HC Helsinki year and I can tell you that we have some exciting things in store for you – both in terms of great articles and cool events. We already kicked off the semester last week at the Opening Carnivals and we had a blast meeting so many of you there!



Last spring our hard work at HC Helsinki was rewarded by us becoming a Silver-level chapter and this year we are determined to make our chapter an even bigger and better one. That’s why we are now recruiting new members for our team! We are looking for talents from all areas of the media world, so if you have a way with words, love photographing or shooting your own films, are a social media butterfly or known for throwing the best parties both on and off campus, we’d love to hear from you! If you are interested in becoming a part of the HC Helsinki team, please send an email to helsinki@hercampus.com or join us in our next meeting on Tuesday 29th of September at 5pm in the Iguana restaurant in Kaisaniemenkatu, and we’ll give you more information on how to get involved. Being a part of the Her Campus team doesn’t only give you an opportunity to polish your skills or add content to your CV – it also introduces you to a bunch of new friends!

We wish you a great semester and hope to see you around on campus! 

Ps. Remember to check out our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all the cool stuff happening in HC Helsinki!

An English Philology major and a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Helsinki. In addition to Her Campus, I love good food, travelling, politics and cute dresses. My real passion is cookbooks, which I own way too many, and some day I would love to write one myself.