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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Year: 6th

Major: English Philology

Hometown: Nowadays Helsinki but I’m originally from a small town called Karkkila

Relationship Status: Single

Interests: Dancing, especially West Coast Swing, is the thing that takes most of my time right now.


What’s your favorite song at the moment?

“Stolen Dance” by Milky Chance.

How would other people describe you in one word?


If there was a movie made about your life, what genre would it be and who would play you?

Romantic comedy, a real chick flick, and I’d be played by Anne Hathaway. With the long, curly hair, though, not the short one.

Where can we find you on a Saturday night?

Probably somewhere dancing with my friends.

What are the three things that you can’t live without?

My family and friends, my Spotify account and my feet because without them I couldn’t dance.

Who would be your dream guy and where should he take you on a date?

Channing Tatum! First we’d go surfing and then dancing. In L.A., of course.

What’s the one thing guys do that you can never understand?

There are many things!

What’s your favorite place in Helsinki?


Best class you’ve taken in University of Helsinki so far?

If I have to choose one course, then that would be “Children’s Literature” with Nely Keinänen but on the whole I loved doing the teacher studies.

What advice would you give to our new freshmen?

Enjoy your time at the university because it will go past quicker than you might think.




An English Philology major and a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Helsinki. In addition to Her Campus, I love good food, travelling, politics and cute dresses. My real passion is cookbooks, which I own way too many, and some day I would love to write one myself.