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Campus Cutie: Hanna-Mari Virtanen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Hometown: Vantaa.

Interests: Travelling, cooking and painting.

You just graduated from English Philology. How did you like your studies and time at the University of Helsinki?

I loved studying at the university – great teachers and great courses (especially all courses on sociolinguistics by Elizabeth Peterson!). However, typically I chose book exams over lectures, they enabled a flexible schedule and the exam books were always interesting.

Did you participate in any extracurricular activities during your studies, like clubs etc.?

No, I was always in a hurry to get home after class, I’m a true house mouse.

What are you doing now that you’ve graduated? Have you already gotten a job?

I don’t have a job yet, I was so busy trying to finish my studies on time that job hunting was not my primary concern. Now I’m looking for work with an open mind.

What advice would you give to our freshmen?

Planning is everything. It is good to think ahead and to be on top of things. A calendar is a must!!! I prefer doing all tasks straight away, I would never leave anything to the last minute. Business before pleasure!

If there was a movie made about your life, what genre would it be and who would play you?

A romantic comedy played by Sandra Bullock. I’m a hopeless romantic and I guess I resemble Sandra Bullock – we’re both well-intentioned.

What’s your favorite place in Helsinki?

All restaurants – I love food!

Name three things that you are thankful for today.

I’m thankful for being happy and healthy and for having great people in my life.

Who’s your role model?

My mother. She’s a great combination of different traits: strong and approachable, smart and funny, proud and modest.

What’s your biggest dream?

Hopefully, some day, I will have the guts to go into seclusion. I dream of moving to the French countryside – I would love to dedicate a year for doing nothing!

An English Philology major and a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Helsinki. In addition to Her Campus, I love good food, travelling, politics and cute dresses. My real passion is cookbooks, which I own way too many, and some day I would love to write one myself.