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Campus Celebrity: Niko Haussila – “don’t hesitate, just join in!”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Niko Haussila, the head tutor for English freshmen this year and the treasurer for SUB, caught up with Her Campus Helsinki about his experiences tutoring the new students and being a part of the SUB board.

You have been working as the head tutor this year. How has it been organizing all the events for the new freshmen?

It was a little challenging at times, mostly in terms of trying to come up with fun activities for the freshmen and then trying to keep things running smoothly when orientation week finally came around, but it’s also been really great seeing it all come together and watching the freshmen become a part of the student community. I can definitely say I’m happy I took the job, it’s been an incredible start to the year.

How did you experience the leadership position that you had to embrace with the new students (as well as the fellow tutors)?

It was a pretty new experience for me because I’ve never really been in charge of anything like this before, mostly I just tried to get everyone involved as much as possible and then make the most of the input I got from the other tutors while also being prepared to take a hands-on approach whenever something just needed to get done. Being responsible for everything occasionally felt a little daunting, but when it came to that, having a second head tutor was a huge help. Helena [Anttila] and I really relied on each other a lot for both practical stuff and emotional support, I really don’t know what I would have done without her.

You are also a regular member on the SUB board – what encouraged you to take up the position of the treasurer?

Well, it was kind of a result of how Helena and I ended up splitting the head tutor job between us, since it was the one we were both mostly interested in at the meeting where the new board was formed. Towards the end of the meeting, treasurer was one of the jobs that was kind of hanging over us that somebody had to take but nobody was especially keen on. I figured I might as well do it since I was already sharing the tutoring workload and that gig would be pretty much over with quite early in the year anyway. I also thought that I might at least learn a little something from doing it.

How do you feel that your participation in SUB, as a treasurer and a tutor, has changed you or given you new skills?

As far as being treasurer goes, I’ve learned some of the very basics of accounting, which I guess is pretty handy to know. Most of the real work is still ahead though, I’m kind of dreading it but I guess we’ll pull through somehow. On the other hand my job as head tutor is pretty much done at this point, and looking back I think it’s absolutely been a valuable experience in terms of learning to manage projects, work together as a team, cooperate and coordinate with others, that sort of thing. Being in the thick of orientation week without the panicky nervousness of being a freshman yourself also lets you get a good view of group dynamics and consider how you can deal with meeting new people. All in all, it’s a great way to try to polish up your people skills a bit while having an amazing time.

Do you think that participation in student events and organizations is something essential for student life? – How would you say it shapes the university experience as a whole?

Speaking for myself, I can’t say enough good things about it. It might not be essential for everyone, and of course peoples’ experiences can differ, but I do feel like anyone who doesn’t at least give it a shot risks depriving themselves of something really important. Both going to and organizing events and even just taking part in the more humdrum side of running SUB have helped me get to know some amazing people and really make the most of my time here.

What is the best thing that has come out of your involvement with SUB and the different events you’ve helped organize?

It’s really hard to pick out any one thing, but I guess I’d have to say the best thing for me would be the people I’ve met here and all the good times we’ve had together.

How would you encourage others to participate more in SUB?

I’m sure it’s a little different for everyone, it’s not like everyone needs to be on the board, but I think a key thing would be to just keep an open mind about everything. If you feel like you want to take more of an active hand in things, that’s great, everyone is welcome to come to board meetings and voice their ideas. But if that’s not your thing, no problem, just keep an eye out for SUB events! They’re really for everyone and the more people we see there the happier we’ll be. And any time you feel like you’d like to be a part of something, don’t hesitate, just join in!

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.