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Campus Celebrity: Ari Mäntykivi – “Try doing some of the reading in advance!”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Ari Mäntykivi, a 6th year English philology major, shared with us some pointers for doing your Master’s studies and his personal process of working on his degree.

You have now started your Master’s studies – what courses did you start with?

During the fall I was doing various topics ranging from linguistics to literature, including Native American literature, an overview of Old English and an analysis-heavy course on evaluative language.

How would you say that the MA courses differ from BA level courses?

I’d say at the end of the day, the difference between an MA level and BA level degree is not that great, given that many of the same professors teach both. Perhaps the greatest difference is that the MA courses provoke more in-depth discussions and analyses regarding specific themes, which make them a good spring board for my upcoming thesis work.

How early should one start thinking about their MA thesis topic?

I believe it’s very subjective, but I suppose a good rule of thumb is to start shaping up a rough thesis outline as soon as a clear inspiration strikes, and perhaps getting in touch with a coordinator who specializes in a suitable field for that topic. On a practical note, it’s good to keep in mind that certain professors/gradu coordinators expect you to do a certain amount of reading before the gradu workshop – so try doing some of the reading in advance!

Have you given any thought to your own thesis topic?

While I’m certain that I’ll be doing a thesis focused on literature, a specific topic is still a mystery to me. I’ll be trying to familiarize myself with certain theoretical frameworks during this spring and hopefully that’ll crystallize a thesis outline for me. And, I wouldn’t also mind having some fun with my thesis work!

What study-related things should new MA students keep in mind?

Keep an open mind about differing perspectives and ideas, and prepare yourself for the likely outcome that your thesis topic WILL change in one way or another during the thesis work.

How are you prepared for moving onto the real world and finishing university?

There is a Finnish saying that “opiskelu on ihmisen parasta aikaa” (studying is the best time of your life)…It is a bit of a scary notion because I have, for the most part, really enjoyed my time at the university and thus there will be a certain level of sadness when it’s all over. On the other hand, I also view the inevitable graduation as a stepping stone through which I will be entering a new undefined chapter in my life.

Finally, tell us about your most fun moment at the university!

As a “mature” student I hate admitting to it, but I feel that freshman year was definitely the most exciting in terms of “party-fun”. The freshman orientation week included some of my most fun non-academic moments, including a dashing fashion show and bizarre dance moves as well as new friendships, which have endured until this day.

An English philology major with a passion for reading and writing. I also like photography and wish I was better at it. If you're a fan of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Charmed or Buffy, we already have something in common.