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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Helsinki chapter.

Watching TV shows is definitely one of the hobbies that I do the most. After watching more than 160 TV shows, I have gathered here 10 of my favorites. Beware that the full list includes shows like Game of Thrones, FRIENDS, Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and The Vampire Diaries, which are very popular, hence I decided not to include them in this list (but if you haven’t watched them, please give them a go!).

  • Sherlock (2010-2017)

From the famously known stories of Sherlock Holmes, this show takes Sherlock and Watson into a contemporary setting in the 21st century and presents the cases and crimes in a brilliant and twisted manner cinematographically. With Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as protagonists and Andrew Scott as the antagonist, it is impossible to look away from the screen. With only 15 episodes, this is the perfect TV show to watch from time to time. As the episodes are as lengthy as a movie, I would not recommend it for a binge-watch. While you could watch each episode separately as they are mainly solving cases, I would not recommend it as you would lose track of the protagonist’s own story.

  • Anne with an E (2017-2019)

Also based on a famous novel, Anne of Green Gables, this show introduces us to the story of Anne, an orphan that goes to live with two elderly siblings. The story is set in the 19th century and offers great scenery and unforgettable scores. There are three seasons in total, with 27 episodes that are about 45 minutes long each, available on Netflix. The series was cancelled, yet the finale is not too disappointing, so I would definitely still watch it. This show is one of my top favourites because it has an amazing young cast that conveys emotions effortlessly and because it deals with many relevant topics from feminism to the traditional roles of a family.

  • Outlander (2014-Present)

For fans of fantasy and big productions such as Game of Thrones, Outlander could be a good option to watch. The show follows the story of Claire, an English combat nurse who goes back in time from 1945 to 1743. It is interesting to follow this approach to time travel, even though there are a few parts that might seem too simplistic. To be honest, this show is great, not because of the time travelling aspect, but because of the cast, the scenery (part of the show is set in Scotland), the clothing, the score, and the introduction it gives to not so well-known parts of history. Besides, it depicts love in a simple but powerful way and has an amazing protagonist that just elevates this story to another level. Outlander has more than 80 episodes (around 55 minutes each), spread along six seasons, with a seventh on the way. The first five seasons are available on Netflix.

  • Dark (2017-2020)

If one talks about time travel, one cannot not mention Dark. Also available on Netflix, this one I can truly recommend for the time travel aspect. Never have I ever seen a better show (or piece of art in general) that elaborates time travel as well as Dark. While most shows on this list are easy to follow and mostly used to de-stress from life, Dark is not like that. I cannot recommend this show enough but be prepared with pen and paper to take notes and never take your eyes off the screen. It gets intense!

With only 26 episodes (around 1 hour each), this show is a cinematographic and storytelling masterpiece!

  • The Bold Type (2017-2021)

After such a dark show (pun intended), I have to recommend a show that is very easy to watch, but very relevant. The Bold Type is available on Netflix, with 52 episodes that are about 45 minutes each. It follows the lives of three women that work in a magazine and explores their personal struggles and choices regarding their health, love life, career and friendships. As the magazine is focused on women, women’s issues are inevitably brought up. This is definitely a good one to binge-watch!

  • Atypical (2017-2021)

Available on Netflix, Atypical is also great to binge-watch with just 38 episodes that are around 30 minutes. It follows the story of Sam, an 18-year-old guy on the autism spectrum, as he navigates to be more independent from his family. Besides being quirky and easy to watch, the show introduces the perspective of someone that is on the autism spectrum. To be honest, I have no idea what the community thinks of the show; what I do know is that we can never generalize one portrayal to the whole community. Nonetheless, it is important to watch different perspectives and have diverse representations on screen. If like me, you don’t appreciate a neurotypical actor playing a character on the autism spectrum, I would recommend Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. Don’t expect an amazing show, but you’ll be supporting actors on the spectrum.

I just want to add, that even though I don’t appreciate how they have cast Sam, the show is about a lot more than him. Every member of his family has something to add.

  • This Is Us (2016-2022)

What can I say? What a show. This show has accompanied me through my university years and is coming to an end as I finish my Master’s. It has provided me with a companion and a safe heaven like no other show. It is difficult to describe This Is Us because nothing that I can say will do it justice. It is one of those traditional shows that has 18 episodes per season, a total of 106 episodes around 45 minutes each. This one will require investment, time-wise and emotionally. It is a heart-warming story about a set of triples and their relations with their parents and others. Besides presenting a dramatic story, it also goes back and forth in time, showcasing incredible plot twists. The first five seasons are available on Disney+.

  • The Good Place (2016-2020)

While I love to watch a good comedy show, I feel like the good ones are already too popular. I am not sure The Good Place received the attention it deserved. Available on Netflix, with 50 episodes of around 25 minutes each, it is the perfect show for a binge-watch. While it is very colourful and light, it is incredibly clever and gives a lot to think about. It follows four people in the afterlife as they try to define what it means to be good. The first episode got me hooked.

  • Sense8 (2015-2018)

Another gem that was cancelled before its time by Netflix. Even though the episodes are long (1 hour), I feel like Sense8 is great to binge-watch with only 24 episodes. It is a masterpiece of storytelling and representation, following a group of people around the world that are connected mentally. It is an extremely interesting perspective on sci-fi, and most importantly effortlessly showcases representation.

  • A Series of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)

This one is a very peculiar choice that I know will not please everyone, but for me, it is an incredible attempt at world-building. The episodes are lengthy (around 1 hour), yet you do not notice the time passing by, as you end up so immersed in the story of the Baudelaire children. I agree, that after some episodes, it might appear repetitive to see them struggling time after time, so I recommend not binging and watching the episodes sporadically. The 25 episodes are available on Netflix.

I hope this list gives you something new to watch or that it reminds you to do a rewatch!

Ana Leandro

Helsinki '22

Student of Politics and Communication with a huge passion for film and travelling.