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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Fall semester is here! This means spending less time at home and a lot more time on campus. It’s a lot more difficult to make sustainable decisions when you aren’t at home for most meals, but with these tips and tricks you can incorporate a more sustainable mindset into your student life.


Disposable items are a big source of waste. This includes plastic water bottles, plastic forks, knives, plates, etc. You might have to do more dishes, but bringing reusable containers, forks, and knives are a great way to stay eco-friendly on campus.

The easiest swap is buying a reusable water bottle and refilling it up at school!

Second-hand & Thrift shopping

Whether you are redecorating your room or buying clothes for the new semester, it’s easier than you think to stay sustainable. Try going to your local goodwill or thrift shop to buy clothes or household items. This helps keep loads of items out of landfills and don’t forget to donate them again before you decide to throw them away.

Goodwill also has a ton of notebooks and other school supplies you can buy for cheap.

Public Transportation

Driving is always the easiest option to get anywhere! If you live on campus or close to campus try biking to class or leave enough time to walk! Taking public transportation like the bus is also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.


If you do use items that are disposable, try your best to recycle! Make sure you use the recycle bins around campus if you can. Although recycling isn’t the best solution, it is a much better option than sending items to sit in the landfill.

Making small changes to your day to day habits on campus can make a big difference for the environment. Tell your friends and classmates to do it with you and it’ll make an even bigger difference!

Averi Burud

Hawaii '22

Avid surfer & current student studying Sustainability at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.