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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Nowadays, recyling has turned into more then just collecting all your empty soda cans! With so many options for places to put trash, it can be a little confusing to know what goes where.

In Hawaii, everyone typically has three bins: blue, green and gray. Blue bins are categorized “recyclables” – these are used for glass, newspaper, cardboard and plastic bottles. The green bins are also considered recylables and are used for plant debris then turned into compost and mulch. The grey bins are for everything else; items that are thrown here are eventually burned to create electricity.

Large items that cannot fit in the bins will be taken by bulky collection if placed on your curbside. The schedules for trash pickups vary from town to town, however, Hawaii uses a bi-weekly system. Grey bins are taken out once a week and the second collection day is designated for recylables. For more information on recyling and collection schedules check: http://www.opala.org/. 

If you have a little free time, there are many ways you can utilize old household goods like CDs and plastic bottles. Recyling can be more than throwing used items into colored bins! With a bit of imagination and effort you can create sustainable indoor herb gardens or beautiful miniature fire places. Here in Hawaii, the Her Campus ohana loves to recycle and reuse! Check out http://www.instructables.com/howto/recycled/ for hundreds of simple projects that allow you to get some extra use out of your trash! 

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