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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Name: Pavle Nebrigić

Age: 18, Freshman

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Major: Electrical engineering

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Random Fact: Loves Battlestar Galactica


Would you say that you’re an adventurous person?: Absolutely not. Well, maybe a little.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done, despite the fact of not being adventurous?: Hiking. Also, experimenting at a rave. No wait let me think. Yea it’s definitely hiking on super long hikes and off hiking trails.

Best drunken story?: I don’t drink.

What do you do for fun? You seem like a very straightedge person: Watch Netflix and read alternative news media such as Russia Today and Derspiegel and a Serbian newspaper called Politika. I also enjoy reading and Skype dates with my girlfriend. Four hour call on the weekends and calls between classes. The most fun for me is whenever I get to talk to my girlfriend.

Why did you choose UH Manoa?: Because the thought of going to school in Hawaii seemed much better than withering away in the blistering heat of Texas!

Special Talent?: I’ve been playing the cello for 13 years.

If you could live in one place in the world, where would it be and why?:  Lake Victoria outside of Vancouver because my dream house is out there.

Stupidest thing a girl has ever said to you to get your attention?: Someone told me I  had a vegan body haha whatever that means.


Speed Round:

Favorite food: Palačhinke

Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Favorite Animal: Grizzly Bear

Favorite Color: Purple

Kiss, Date, Ditch (Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Obama, Miley Cyrus): Ditch Michelle, Kiss Miley, and Date Jennifer; that was easier than I thought.

Celeb Crush: Tricia Helfer

Quote that you live by: “Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.” – Dante Alighieri, Inferno (The Divine Comedy, #1)

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