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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

After seven years in college, I’m finally almost done. I’m about a month away from graduation and I thought I was going to be safe. Mid-way through the semester, I was so proud that senioritis never got me and that I was consistently working very hard.

But it hit me when I was least expecting it… right after Spring Break. Since I spent my entire Spring Break working my two jobs, I didn’t do any schoolwork that entire week. That’s what I’m suspecting is what got me.

For those of you who don’t know, Merriam-Webster dictionary defines senioritis as “an ebbing of motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades”. I’m definitely guilty of considering skipping my classes now and I do have some late assignments (still haven’t turned them in). But this article isn’t going to be about how senioritis got me, it’s about how I’m dealing with it.

Think With the End in Mind

 My main goal for trying to beat senioritis is to get to my graduation commencement. Since I took some *extra* time to get my bachelor’s degree, everyone in my life has been rooting extra hard for me this past year. They’re all going to be there, cheering me on, and I don’t want to disappoint. I know that, ultimately, getting my degree is for ME only but it’s been nice knowing that I’ve got a strong support system behind me who want to watch me walk.

Everything that I do is for that end result. I remind myself every day that I wake up, that I am now one day closer to graduation. There are some days when I wake up a little late and go “Oh shoot, should I even go to class at this point?” and I have to tell myself that the answer will always be yes. My professors this semester have been extremely sweet, and I’ve already been late a couple of times and they didn’t call me out for it. The main thing is that I make it and learn what I need to learn, to get my assignments completed.

Keeping the end in mind has also been super helpful when I start to slack off. I have to tell myself that slacking off close to the end is going to make it difficult at the very end. I also can’t afford Summer courses, so I have to pass all of my classes this semester.

Play Dress Up

 Since I am very excited about graduation, I’ve been playing with my gap, gown, stoles, and cords. I understand that I am very blessed to be able to be decorated at graduation, but I did work very hard for all of it. I’m still waiting on a couple more stoles but, for now, when I lose motivation, I put everything on and look at myself in the mirror and say, “You did it”. When I do this, it feels like I’m talking to my future self and they’re cheering me on!!

Watch Productive YouTube Videos

I love to go on YouTube when I have any free time or just want to procrastinate! That’s why I got myself into the habit of watching productive videos, titled, “productive week in my life” or “study with me” videos. They get me into the habit of having a routine and also motivate me to stay productive.

These are just some of the ways that I’ve been trying to beat senioritis. I’m not perfect and I do have my lazy days. But keeping the end in mind and reminding myself that I’m almost at the finish line are what gets me to continue to work hard! You can do it too!!

Aloha everyone! I'm Mary Joy, born and raised on the island of O'ahu. I'm a senior majoring in Business Management. On my free time, I enjoy finding new places to eat, spending time with friends, and taking naps :) I enjoy writing for HerCampus and showing everyone what I love about the island!