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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

     Fall is officially here and it’s time to celebrate with decorations. For me, fall is the most exciting time of the year because that means it is time to start decorating the house with cute, easy crafts. I always prefer to make crafts at home rather than buy them from the store because it’s always more fun to make and homemade decorations are often much cheaper than store bought ones. There are five DIY fall decorations that I always have in my house to make it officially feel and look like fall.  

     The first DIY decoration that always reminds me of fall is a hanging sunflower ball. This decoration is easy, cheap, and everything can be bought from the dollar store. All the supplied needed are fake sunflowers, a foam ball, a piece of yarn, and superglue. To make the sunflower ball, simply trim down the stems of the sunflowers so they are about an inch and a half long. Then, put a small amount of glue on the end of the stem and stick the stem in the foam ball. I usually start with one sunflower and make a circle around it. This allows for the flowers to be evenly distributed throughout the ball. To hang the ball, wrap a piece of yarn around the ball and tie it at the top.  

     We can make our homes look like fall all we want, but nothing is ever complete if it doesn’t smell like fall. For the second DIY, all you need is a pot, an apple, an orange, and cinnamon sticks. Fill the put with about two cups of water and put it on the stove. Peel the orange and cut the apple into cubes. Put the orange peel, apple, and cinnamon sticks into the water and bring it to a soft boil. Once the water is boiling, bring the temperature down so the water is at a simmer. Not only is this recipe easy and cheap, but it gives your home the sweet smell of fall for hours. 

     There is nothing that screams fall louder than cinnamon, apple, and pumpkin scented candles. But why not make the candles look like fall as much as they smell like it? The next craft is a leaf covered jar for your fall candles. All this crat includes is a small glass jars, leaves, and mod podge. To make the leaf covered jar, coat the jar in mod podge, apply the leaves to the jar, and give the jar another layer or two of mod podge. Let the jar sit for a couple hours to dry, then set your fall candle inside and your house will look and smell like fall.  

     The next DIY fall decoration is recycling cans and painting them to match the fall aesthetic. This all you need for this DIY is paint, tin cans, and some ribbon or other details. You can paint the cans as a number of different fall plants or items such as a pumpkin, a scare-crow, a leaf, or anything else that matches the fall aesthetic. For this DIY, I just look up a picture of what I want to paint on the internet and use it as a reference to paint onto the can. After you’re done painting, you may want to use a paint sealant to keep it from chipping. After the paint is dry, add any extra ribbons or details.  

     The last fall DIY is to paint wood cuts. This project is so easy and decorative. It is perfect for fall and something that everyone can do. All you need is some woodcuts, cut by yourself or store-bought, and foam paintbrushes. This project is very similar to the previous DIY. The only difference is the platform. Like the last DIY, I look up a picture of what I want to paint and use it as a reference. I then paint the wood cut and use a sealant to keep it from chipping.  


My name is Mackenzie Hamilton and I am a sophomore at UH Manoa. I am majoring in Fashion design and merchandising while focusing primarily on the design track. I aspire to be a fashion designer with the vision of having 100% recycled and environmentally friendly textiles. My hobbies include sewing, writing, reading, painting, and exploring.
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