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“Face It Alone”: A Review of The Surprising New Queen Song

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

As a classic rock fan, you can only imagine my surprise when I woke up on October 13th to find out that somehow Queen had randomly dropped a new song. It’s especially shocking, considering that this particular song has vocals from frontman Freddie Mercury (who has been dead since 1991). Apparently, “Face It Alone” was originally recorded for Queen’s “The Miracle” album, but did not make the cut and had been lost. Thankfully, it’s been found and released to the public! 

I very much enjoyed listening to this wonderful gem, recorded in 1988, three years before Freddie Mercury died of AIDS.  The synth-rock slow beat at the beginning of “Face It Alone” was characteristic of Freddie Mercury’s later vocal work with Queen. Not to mention, it’s quintessential of the 1980s era.  I was really reminded of “The Show Must Go On” when listening to this new song. 

In addition to the beat (and Freddie Mercury’s usual incredible vocal ability), I found the lyrics of “Face It Alone” to be incredibly compelling. “Face It Alone” is about taking charge of your own life despite facing struggles. It’s even more meaningful when you realize that Freddie Mercury wrote and sang these lyrics knowing that he was secretly struggling with a disease that would one day take his life. 

My personal favorite lyrics from this song are:

When somethin’ so near and dear to life

Explodes inside, you feel your soul is set on fire

When somethin’ so deep and so far and wide

Falls down beside your cries can be heard

So loud and clear

Your life is your own

You’re in charge of yourself

Master of your home

In the end, in the end

You have to face it all alone

I think that these lyrics are very inspirational, and honestly, could not have come at a better time. I’ve had a very chaotic week, to say the least, with three separate midterms and a slew of other things. I’m so thankful for the discovery of this song by one of my favorite artists. Rest in peace Freddie Mercury, and thank you for making incredible music that inspires us decades later.

Ava Dalton

Hawaii '25

“I am tough, but I’m no cookie” -Lana Winters (American Horror Story:Asylum) Ava is a Psychology major at UH Manoa. When she’s not writing or working on her upcoming novel, she’s listening to Fleetwood Mac (proud Stevie Nicks stan), reading new books, or rewatching her favorite shows for the millionth time