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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

So, this coronavirus got out of hand and now your university is online. Most public places are closed down, your work hours are either cut down or nonexistent and that event you were looking forward to next month? Canceled. It’s a weird feeling going from a busy-bee to borderline isolation. Here are some tips to stay productive during this time of social distancing! 

Start Your Day Like Any Other Day

Since classes are all online, it’s tempting to stay in your comfy clothes and lounge around your apartment. Make sure to stick to your normal morning routine of making your coffee and breakfast before class, and get your cute outfit on even though no one will see it! You won’t feel so “meh” and you’ll feel good. If you like to workout in the mornings and your gym is closed down, find an at-home workout on YouTube – my favorite is Natasha Oceane’s 20 minute at-home workout

Find Out What YOU Like To Do 

Use this time to pick up a new hobby! You have all the time in the world now, so see if yoga is the new activity for you 

Enjoy This Free Time 

You’re a college gal – your agenda is always filled, so take advantage of this forced downtime! Remember that list of movies and shows you want to watch on your phone? This is the perfect time to start chipping away at that list. Break out that face mask, nail polish, and whatever else you need to give yourself a well-deserved spa day. Organize and get rid of things in your room that are no longer useful. 

Technology Can Be Your Best Friend 

Technology can sometimes work against us, but in times like these take advantage of it. If you can’t see your friends because they went back home for the rest of the semester, you can still have your wine nights over FaceTime! Check up on your family members and friends to see how they’re doing during these times – it will mean a lot to them. 

Josie Dooley

Hawaii '22

Josie is currently a junior at University of Hawai'i at Manoa, majoring in political science. In her free time she enjoys working out, discovering what the beautiful island of O'ahu has to offer, and is always planning for a trip somewhere around the world.
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