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Campus Cutie: Brad Dell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Name: Brad Dell

Hometown: Mililani, HI

Age: 21

Major: Journalism with History minor

 If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why do you like this place so much? 

I would love to go to the Middle East when it’s not war-torn (which is basically never). Such rich history there. Plus, I wouldn’t have to put up with as many tourists as other places. Just guns and stuff.

What traits attract you to someone, both physically and emotionally?

Mysteriousness. After three years of going out, I still haven’t figured out my girlfriend. That only makes me want to know more about her, so things are kept fresh. I also love that she cares so much for other people, and that she’s patient with my stupidity. That’s cool.

What’s your favorite memory at UH thus far? 

I once had to take a really strange medicine (prescribed, I swear) that gave me a … “high.” I kinda blacked out and came to awareness while standing in the middle of a crosswalk with my tongue licking a can of Hawaiian Sun. Cars were honking at me to move, and I was standing there laughing and crying at the same time. I stopped taking the medicine after that. It was scary, but makes a good story.

What’s your favorite spot to hang out at on UH’s campus? Why? 

The Ka Leo office (where I work). It has the best restroom on campus (don’t tell anybody) and people like me there for some reason.

Tell us something about yourself that no one really knows? 

I have a secret collection of Star Wars comics, fan magazines, and action figures in my closet. 

What is your drink of choice? 

Juicy Juice. The fruit punch flavor.

Lightning round:

Live concert or live sports game? Live concert, but only if there’s seating. I get kinda lazy and can’t stand for long.

Bath or shower? Reading books in a bath — that’s the stuff. Go ahead and take my man card. 

Bass or treble? Dubstep is my guilty pleasure, so I would say bass. Or were you talking about weight?

TV or Movies? TV, but only if it’s on Netflix so I can binge-watch. But at the same time, nothing beats going to the movie theaters. 

Fruit or vegetables? I’m a big fan of steak.

Damon or Stefan Salvatorre? My girlfriend always says that Damon is the best. He does, admittedly, have better hair.


Sammi Baum is a 21 year old journalist working to inspire the masses with her words. Baum is Taiwanese-German, a journalism major with an emphasis in English and Italian, a curvy women advocate, a gamer girl, and a low-key fashionista. Currently, she is a junior at the University of Hawaii.