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Brewing Up Love with Chad Van Zutphen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Name: Chad Van Zutphen

Age: 21

Major: Communicology

Hometown: Hockinsin, WA

Fun fact: Runway model and roller hockey player

Relationship Status: Single

Feeling tired? In need of some caffeine? Let this gorgeous face instantly brighten your morning. Chad Van Zutphen will give you whatever you want…from The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.

What’s it like working at Coffee Bean?

It’s really fun. I work in Waikiki so I get to talk with tourists from all over the world. It’s cool. I see a lot of Australian and Japanese tourists, mostly. 

What’s your favorite drink?

I love a dirty chai; it’s chai tea latte with a shot of espresso. I usually get two shots, so I guess it’s extra dirty then. 

What’s a major turn off?

I hate when people are super cocky and talk about themselves all the time; it gets annoying and I’m just like, “I do not wanna be here right now!” Or people that lie all the time. 

If you could have any superpower at all, what would it be and why?

To stop time because I’m an incredible procrastinor. It’d be cool to stop time for a minute.

How do you let someone know you’re interested?

I joke around with them and flirt – make them laugh. I try to make it obvious enough to let them know I’m interested, but not too obvious that it’s creepy.

What’s your biggest fear?

If a whole swarm of birds attacked me right now, that’d be pretty scary. Or letting people down – disappointing them.

If you were stuck on an island and had to choose any three things in the world to have with you, what would they be and why?

Definitely a coffee machine; I need coffee. Also, my phone to communicate because if I’m stuck by myself, I should probably call someone for help, and I’d be lonely on an island by myself, so I’d bring my friend from Washington. 

What are your plans for Spring Break?

I’ll be staying here, probably going to Floatopia. I have a friend coming over to visit, so I’ll be out having fun, doing nothing school related. 

~Half Korean-half White hybrid majoring in Communicology and German; with a minor in Business Administration. ~Easy-going CAT LOVER & Humanitarian..don't worry, I also have a Yorkie. ~When I'm not working, reading, writing, or cuddling with my pup and cat, you can find me on campus mentoring freshmen and planning campus events. ~Dream job: Writing for Buzzfeed... Heyyyy Buzzfeed! ;)
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