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“The Salubrious Senior”: Kick-start Your Fitness Routine!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

       February is just the worst.  It’s the Wednesday of the year: cold, dreary, dark, and just all around meh.  And it’s even harder to keep on track with your fitness during these dreary days.  The initiative to keep New Years resolutions is quickly fading, and the cold makes everything with bread or cheese seem like a godsend. But now is actually primetime to kick-start your fitness routine.  You’ll be way ahead of everyone else trying to get in shape for spring break, and you’ll prevent the extra pounds from creeping up on you. Here are a few tips to get you started and keep you motivated.

1. The Hardest Part is Tying Your Shoes

Your mind can be your worst enemy sometimes, always coming up with excuses to skip out on exercise.  It’s likely the only thing standing in the way between you and your workout.  It’s easy to psych yourself out: I’m too tired, I’m not strong enough, I can’t run, etc.  But the hardest part is tying your shoes and putting on your workout clothes.  Once you actually get outside or at the gym, the rest is relatively easy. So bite the bullet and lace up your sneakers because it will be worth the payoff.

2. Try to Focus on the Positive        

I hate the treadmill as much as the next girl, but sometimes it’s just an unfortunate necessity of being at the gym.  Rather than focusing on how tired you are, try centering your focus and appreciating your body.  Regulate your breathing, feel your muscles working, love the fact that your body is so strong and able to support you!

3. Mix it Up

One fitness killer is workout routine boredom. After a month or so, that circuit of elliptical, arm weights, and squats can get pretty tedious.  So change things up by trying out a new machine, and setting a goal to master it by the end of the week.  Sign up for a yoga, pilates, cardio kickbox, or zumba class! Add some extra weight to your routine, or set a goal to finish your weight training in three minutes shorter than you normally do.  It will keep things exciting and keep your body constantly working in new ways, which will actually make your workout more effective.

4. You Can Make It Under an Hour

Honestly, if you have a high intensity workout with about 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of weights, you can make your workout under an hour, and still fit in a shower and changes of clothes. Just make sure not to dally in between sets or machines.  Your workout will be higher intensity, burning more calories, and you’ll finish in plenty of time.

5. Incorporate Exercise Into Your Life

If going to the gym really makes you miserable, try to incorporate exercise into your daily life.  Take the long way to class, make multiple trips to and from your dorm room, and walk off campus for any errands you might have.  It may not seem like a lot, but you can easily fit 20 to 30 minutes of walking and cardio into your life if you make a small effort.

I hope these tips are just the motivation you need to lace up those shoes and get back on the workout grind.  It may be gross and cold out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the best of it by getting fit! 

Charlotte Bax is a Junior at Haverford College and is majoring in History with double-minors in French and Film. She is originally from Santa Monica, California, but has also lived in San Francisco and currently resides in London with her family. Charlotte enjoys cooking, watching movies, going to sports games in Philadelphia. In addition, she enjoys traveling, surfing with her dog Cassie, and skiing during the winter in Solitude, Utah. After college, Charlotte hopes to start her own line of women's sports apparel.