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The Salubrious Senior: Jump into Spring!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Is that a Hint of Sunshine? Time to get moving outside!

March 20th is the first day of spring, which means the days are getting longer, the sun is starting to shine a little brighter, and hopefully one day soon it will even start to actually feel warm. And when that day comes, it’s time to get away from your desk and get outside! After a long winter, I’m sick of having to get my cardio at the gym, ESPN News my only company on the elliptical. And I bet you are too. While keeping up with your weight training routine is always important, there are plenty of ways you can get your exercise in the outside. Enjoy the weather and sunshine, and get away from the stale air of your midterms study spot with these four outdoor exercise ideas.


1. Go for a run.

            Okay, okay. I know I’m always telling you to run, but it’s the best outdoor exercise you can do! It’s great for your heart and cardiovascular health and running is so much more interesting outside. Plus, running outdoors on the soft ground might be easier on your joints and body than the hard sliding surface of a treadmill. Running outside also makes you work harder to propel yourself forward, giving you more calorie burn and more cardio training. Finally, run to explore areas you might never have seen before! Research parks in the area, run down a street you’ve always been curious about, or just find a new trail to follow. You’ll be occupied by the change of scenery (making the workout seem shorter) and you’ll see what your neighborhood has to offer!

2. Go for a walk.

            Running not your jam? Going for a long walk is the next best thing. If you’re in a new city, this is a great way to get to know your surroundings or explore hidden treasures down funky alleyways. Going for a stroll, especially with goals in mind as to where you want to stop along the way, keeps you active and moving throughout the day. Walk to the grocery store instead of driving, or walk off campus to grab a cup of coffee. You’ll appreciate the time spent outside.

3. Take an outdoors Fitness class.

            When I lived in Paris, I always passed a group of elderly women doing Tai Chi in the park on my way to school. Not only did they look incredibly healthy, I could see how much good it did them to be exercising, even slowly, outside. Try to find or organize a class outdoors, possibly something low-impact to get you started. Yoga, tai chi, even basic stretches can bring you in tune with your body, and you don’t need to fight to get mat space in the gym. Taking deep breaths of the fresh, warm air will make you appreciate your body and the nature around you.

4. Play a sport!

            Remember when you were a kid and could spend hours with a soccer ball? Well what’s stopping you now? Start a pick up game of soccer, Frisbee, or football.  Join an intramural or club team, get out there and get competitive. You’ll lose yourself in the game, improve your coordination, and get in some cardio without even realizing you’re working out. 


Fingers crossed that the days of snow and rain are far behind us.  I know I’ll be outside the first chance I get, trying to soak up some sun on my workout!

Charlotte Bax is a Junior at Haverford College and is majoring in History with double-minors in French and Film. She is originally from Santa Monica, California, but has also lived in San Francisco and currently resides in London with her family. Charlotte enjoys cooking, watching movies, going to sports games in Philadelphia. In addition, she enjoys traveling, surfing with her dog Cassie, and skiing during the winter in Solitude, Utah. After college, Charlotte hopes to start her own line of women's sports apparel.