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“The Salubrious Senior” Back to School Health: Fight Off the Flu!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

        After a long vacation filled with too much food, too much tv, and too much sleep, it’s back to school for second semester.  It’s an interesting mix of excitement and resignation, as we all greet our friends whom we’ve missed, and inwardly groan at the thought of restarting tests, papers, exams, and readings.  But guess what guys-do you know what would make this decidedly worse? Being sick. Being sick with the flu i.e. chills, aches, fever, stomach upset, and virtually incapable of moving.  What would suck even more? Getting all your friends sick because you don’t take the right precautions. Don’t be that guy.

        This year’s flu season is one of the most aggressive and deadliest. Hospitals are overflowing with patients needing treatment and bed rest. And while the flu shot is 62% effective at preventing the flu, we’ve all just entered back into a germ-breeding powerhouse. Imagine a Haverplague where getting sick actually presents a real danger to your health. Yeah. Again. Don’t be that guy.  

There are steps you can take to make sure you and your peers don’t get sick.  It’s incredibly important these next few weeks to stay healthy and germ-free, since our immune systems are most vulnerable as we adjust to a new environment (and face the incredible freezing cold)!

1. First and foremost, follow these steps from the CDC

  • Stay Home! Seriously. Do. Not. Leave. It will make you sicker and spread your illness throughout the community. Have a roommate slip some ramen under your door. You’ll be fine for 24 hours after your fever is gone.
  • Wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and yourself! Sometimes being sick with chills makes getting into the shower daunting, but you owe it to yourself to not be both sick and dirty. Eww

2. While it remains to be seen whether these home tips help, they certainly can’t hurt.

  • Lots of warm liquids. Keep these preferably chicken, citrus, or garlic based.  These DIY cures seem pretty legit, and you can probably scrounge up the ingredients from CVS or the DC.
  • Vitamin C packets dissolved in hot water is actually lovely and boosts your immune system.
  • Get lots of water, greens (try smoothies if you have a blender or the Naked juices in the Coop) and a basic over the counter flu medication. 


If you follow these steps you should be fine in a few days.  But to prevent it from happening in the first place, make sure to get plenty of rest, eat right, bundle up against the cold, and always wash your hands and practice proper sneeze etiquette. A safe flu season to you all and a healthy start to the year! 

Charlotte Bax is a Junior at Haverford College and is majoring in History with double-minors in French and Film. She is originally from Santa Monica, California, but has also lived in San Francisco and currently resides in London with her family. Charlotte enjoys cooking, watching movies, going to sports games in Philadelphia. In addition, she enjoys traveling, surfing with her dog Cassie, and skiing during the winter in Solitude, Utah. After college, Charlotte hopes to start her own line of women's sports apparel.