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Put Your Shoes On, Haverford

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.


I’ve recently noticed an alarming trend- a large amount of people are walking around campus barefoot. This is not your living room, people. I’m sure you all have motives, but there are certain implication of doing so that we must all be aware of. When you walk around barefoot your feet with inevitably become disgusting. Then when you traverse into many an academic building, you bring that disgustingness inside. If people want the dirt and grime offered by our campus around them while they study, then they should simply study outside. The point of having buildings at all is to exclude the elements. The only thing worse than bringing ones dirty, grimy, disgusting bare-feet into an academic building, is bringing that same disgusting pair of feet into a dining facility.  Hundreds of people eat there, multiple times per day! Brining your filthy feet into a dining center is not only demonstrating poor hygiene, but is also violating numerous health codes. While we appreciate your environmentally friendly efforts, better the Earth instead by buying a pair of Toms.

If you INSIST upon not wearing shoes, you should donate those you arrived to Haverford with into the boxes around campus for donation to those in need in the Dominican Republic.