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Overheard at Haverford: Week 4

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Here’s what Fords had to say this week! Overhear something you think should make it in? E-mail us at overheard.hchaverford@gmail.com

“Miami vice is like police officers right?”
“I’d rather get pooped on by a bird than go to lift”
“Doesn’t tanning burn calories?”
“Whenever I tan I just get so hot.”
“There’s nothing that scares me more than adults in costume.”
“What? A party without desserts?!”
“Why do you have to be 18 to buy adult magazines but not to buy Cosmo? I guess because pictures tell a thousand words.”

“If I don’t break the seal I’m just going to pee myself.”

Lauren Gill is in her junior year at Haverford College, majoring in Religion with a concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. She is from Lewes, Delaware and spent her fall semester abroad in Australia at the University of Melbourne. Lauren is a regular contributor to her college's newspaper, the Bi-College news, writing music and concert reviews. Besides her love for all things music, she also enjoys traveling, reality television, getting her fitness on, and of course, tweeting.