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Mr. Straight-Shooter: Summertime Date Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

        With the seasons changing, definitely think about surprising your man with a creative date idea. One way to go is the active side of things…But you can also choose to lay low and have a chill date that you will both enjoy. As guy usually plan the date ideas, these are just a few ways to appeal to your mans interests while you both get to have some summertime fun. Consider some of these ideas and not only will he be surprised, but he will also be raving about you all summer long.

1. Picnic on the Beach: Bring some classic fish tacos to the beach and spend the afternoon playing a fun game like paddle-ball, football, or Frisbee. After being cooped up for finals, this is a perfect way to start off the summer and to get to know your man a little better in a relaxed setting.

2. Backyard BBQ: This lets your man get a chance to show off for you a bit with his grilling skills. Guys really like to be outside, and this its the best of both worlds as you can have him cook for you AND put his skills to the test. 

4. Movie date: if you are feeling less active but still want a fun date with your guy, check out the latest Blockbuster movie in theatres and top off the traditional date by cooking dinner together.

3. Bike-ride: A good way to break the ice on a date. It is great to get out and be active while also being a little flirtatious.

5. Weekend Getaway: Look out for fun and cheap deals to get away for the weekend, whether it is to a sightseeing spot you have always wanted to check out or just a low-key romantic weekend. Check out Living Social for the best deals. If you are feeling really adventurous, try camping together or going for a hike.


Charlotte Bax is a Junior at Haverford College and is majoring in History with double-minors in French and Film. She is originally from Santa Monica, California, but has also lived in San Francisco and currently resides in London with her family. Charlotte enjoys cooking, watching movies, going to sports games in Philadelphia. In addition, she enjoys traveling, surfing with her dog Cassie, and skiing during the winter in Solitude, Utah. After college, Charlotte hopes to start her own line of women's sports apparel.