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Make New Semester Goals a Reality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

We all do it. Every semester we come back to Haverford with new goals in mind and this, we tell ourselves, is going to be the semester that we actually follow through.  This will be the semester we do all of our readings or this will be the semester that we go to the gym consistently.  However, even though our goals may be admirable, we haven’t always done the best job of accomplishing them after those initial two weeks. That’s all about to change though. If you’re looking for some help, this article will give you the knowledge you need to make sure that this semester IS the semester that you actually follow through on those goals.
“This will be the semester I focus on my studies”
If you want to work ahead, stay with the syllabus, or even just keep from falling behind, the trick is todedicate a block of time each day to your studies. Everyone at Haverford is super busy with all of their extra-curricular activities, but not waiting until the last few days before that big paper is due to star
t it will really benefit you.  This means allotting a certain amount of time atMagill,
 the INSC, or wherever you find yourself being the most intellectually stimulated.  However, once you get there, make sure you stay there until the allotted time is up, even if you become bored or your roommate wants to go get a bite to eat at the Coop.  You went to the library for a reason, so make sure you make it worth it. You’ll thank yourself when you’re not staying up all night to finish that paper.
“I’m going to take better care of myself”
Whether it’s hitting the gym on a regular basis so you can guiltlessly have that ice cream for dessert or  just needing a productive study break,we all attempt to make our bodies a priority each semester.  Once those assignments start coming and the gym seems like a waste of time, all of those goals go straight out the Founder’s Bell Tower window.
If you’re looking to keep in shape, there are a number of simple ways to make exercise part of your everyday life.   First, make sure you’re taking part in activities that you actually enjoy, so exercise will be something you look forward to, not dread.  Vary your activities to work different muscle groups.  So, if you want to run the nature trail one day, hit the GIAC for weights the next. Working out will be even more fun if you do it with a friend. Having someone to talk to and motivate you will surely ignite your competitive fire and get you going. After all, nobody wants to be the one lagging behind as your friend disappears in the distance. 

Another way to make sure you exercise regularly is to once again, allot a set amount of time to it.  Instead of being overly ambitious, pick a number of days you want to work out each week.  That way, you won’t feel guilty about taking a day or two off and can dedicate yourself each and every time you do hit the gym.
Remember, exercise has many positive effects, aside from making you look good.  According to U.S. News and World Report, it can reverse stress, lift depression, and improve learning. With the Haverford workload, it is definitely worth taking out time for it!
I’m going to get involved on campus”
Convinced yourself that this semester will be one in which you play a more active role on campus? Luckily, Haverford has a variety of options to choose from, depending on how much time you’re willing to commit.
You can find a list and descriptions of all student clubs and organizations on campus at this link: http://www.haverford.edu/activities/clubs.php
Choose something that you’re passionate about, not just something that will look good on the resume. By doing so, you’ll stick with it and will get a lot more out of being involved.  It’ll also be a nice, guiltless break from your work.
I need to get off campus more”
The HaverBubble can be suffocating at times, we all know that. The best way to combat this is to get away every once in awhile, whether it is to Philly for a daytrip or concert or just to Lancaster Avenue for some shopping.
Philadelphia has a lot to offer, from restaurants to nightlife. However, we’re not always willing to take that extra time to get into the city.  One way to make sure that you’ll get in is to organize a dinner with your friends or hall.  Once something is planned, it’s harder to flake out.  Besides, with all of the restaurants that Philly has to offer, you’ll be sure to want to go back from more. 

Another way to get off campus is to go see some shows.  A lot of great music comes to Philadelphia on a regular basis, its just up to you to get out and hear it.  If you’re into the bigger names, you’ll probably find them at the Wells Fargo Center. For those of you who are more into the alternative scene, you can subscribe to the r5 newsletter at www.r5productions.com.  They send out weekly emails with shows coming to Philly, as well as cheaper ticket prices.
If you’re not looking to commit a day or night to Philadelphia, there are tons of places to go right off campus.  Suburban Square is within walking distance and has a  lot of great stores.  Urban Outfitters, Free People, and J.Crew are just a few you’ll be sure to be caught in.
While you’re out on Lancaster, grab a bite to eat too! The Corner Bakery, Sweet Green, and of course, Chipotle are always solid choices. If you’re looking for something a bit different, De Jour is a good brunch spot for those looking to get away from the DC.  And for everyone going out on dates,  A La Maison, is the perfect spot.
Remember, while Haverford offers a variety of events, there’s a whole world beyond the HaverBubble.  

Lauren Gill is in her junior year at Haverford College, majoring in Religion with a concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. She is from Lewes, Delaware and spent her fall semester abroad in Australia at the University of Melbourne. Lauren is a regular contributor to her college's newspaper, the Bi-College news, writing music and concert reviews. Besides her love for all things music, she also enjoys traveling, reality television, getting her fitness on, and of course, tweeting.