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James Torain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Name: James Torain
Year: 2013
Hometown: Owings Mills, MD 
Major: Chemistry
Relationship status: Single 
What are some of your favorite parts of being a Ford?
The relaxed community atmosphere 
What is the first thing you notice in a girl?
Her smile
If you could go on a date with anyone in the world who would it be and why? Where would you take her?
If given the option, I’d go on a date with Stacy Dash  because she’s the ultimate natural beauty. I’d take her to Golden China to make her really feel special. 
What qualities must a potential partner possess?
A good attitude
If you could pick a song to describe you what would it be and why?
Love TKO by Teddy Pendergrass 

It’s got so much emotion, but still so manly

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Pet peeve?
Loud eaters
Would you rather be born with an elephant trunk or a giraffe neck?
Elephant trunk. 
A giraffe neck would hurt.
Lauren Gill is in her junior year at Haverford College, majoring in Religion with a concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. She is from Lewes, Delaware and spent her fall semester abroad in Australia at the University of Melbourne. Lauren is a regular contributor to her college's newspaper, the Bi-College news, writing music and concert reviews. Besides her love for all things music, she also enjoys traveling, reality television, getting her fitness on, and of course, tweeting.