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Isaac Anthony

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

Name: Isaac Anthony
Year: 2014
Major: Math Econ
Hometown: Annapolis, MD
Relationship Status: Taken

How are you involved at Haverford?
Honestly not that involved.

What is your ideal date?
Week-long Disney World trip for just the two of us. All comped by Walt
Disney as like a promotional thing because we’re like celebs or

First thing you notice about a girl?
What she is doing. Like is she in the computer lab typing, is she
eating a burrito, is she at the party, or whatever.

Theme song?
Beastie Boys “Brass Monkey”

If Her Campus was a genie and you had 3 wishes what would they be?
Peace on earth and good will towards man. Victoria can have the third one.

Favorite summer activity?
Beach around like 7 o’clock. It’s a little bit cooler and the beach is
practically empty because almost everyone has left for dinner.
Absolutely perfect. I would stay there for a real long time but I get
like literally starving at 8.

Key to studying for finals?
Don’t do anything the first week. Do one thing early morning after
Hoe-Down but save almost everything for that last Friday half-day.

Lauren Gill is in her junior year at Haverford College, majoring in Religion with a concentration in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights. She is from Lewes, Delaware and spent her fall semester abroad in Australia at the University of Melbourne. Lauren is a regular contributor to her college's newspaper, the Bi-College news, writing music and concert reviews. Besides her love for all things music, she also enjoys traveling, reality television, getting her fitness on, and of course, tweeting.