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Countdown to the Election, Part 1: An Interview with the Haverford College Republicans

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Haverford chapter.

HerCampus talks to Haverford College Republicans!
With Election Day approaching fast, it’s crucial to understand the issues that America currently faces, and to weigh the pros and cons of each side (Democrats and Republicans)in order to make a decision about the best candidate . I spoke to a Republican, David Block, about his club’s role on campus and the vision that he has for the USA in the next four years.

How did the Republican club get started?
The club was originally active between 2003 to 2006 under the leadership of Doug Genna, Greg Reed, and Adam Stover. After nearly 6 years of being inactive, I, along with Matt Seskin, Henry Millson, and John Schipper, felt that given the importance of this year’s election, it was crucial to make our voices heard on campus. Zach Werrell, the Vice President, has also been critical in organizing the club. We all felt it necessary to create a safe and friendly environment on campus to discuss conservative principles and voice our opinions amongst like minded individuals. After 3 years of having little outlet for discussion, we all felt compelled to ensure that [that] type of environment did not exist for the younger conservatives on campus.
As the majority of Haverford students are liberal, what kind of reception has the club received on campus?
We have received nothing but positive and enthusiastic feedback from the student body, the faculty, and even the Young Democrats. Nora and Lee have been fun “opposition leaders” to get to know, and I think both sides are extremely excited about our upcoming debate. One of our main goals as a club was to voice an ideology that is decidedly in the minority ( and often forgotten) on campus, and we feel that the campus is excited to have that alternative voice.

What impact do you hope to have at Haverford?
Our most important role is to create a safe and open environment for fellow conservatives, to offer them an outlet for discussion. We want to further the educational opportunities for young conservatives that we feel have been absent for the past few years. We also feel it is our role to open a political dialogue that informs the student body of our views and ideology.

What should Haverford know about the Republican party?
First, we do exist! In the Haverford bubble, it is easy to forget that roughly half the country (possibly more) shares many of our beliefs and ideologies. Second, we feel that our beliefs and political positions would have a much greater resonance with the community than they may expect, and we hope to further this through making our positions known.

Is there a split in the party today?
There clearly is, and always have been, different constituencies within the Republican Party. The Republican Party has a wide range of conservative values, ranging from libertarianism to social conservatism to neo-conservatism. We are by no means an ideologically homogenous group. We do, however, almost all share certain conservative values which champion the individual, personal responsibility and choice, our founding documents and the principles which they uphold, free-market capitalism, and liberty. There does, however, seem to be a strong libertarian streak amongst much of the Haverford College Republican Party, as well as for many young republicans throughout the country, which does contrast with a more socially conservative viewpoint held by some more traditional republicans.
What activities do you have planned out for the school year?
We have numerous campaign volunteer opportunities, we have a debate with the democrats, we have a number of club activities planned such as watching conservative programming, and we hope to bring in a speaker or two.

What do you hope for the USA in the future?
I am worried for the future of our country. We are in a period of high unemployment and stagnant growth, which have been exacerbated by the failed policies of our current President. We have a complicated and over burdensome tax code, as well as a highly inefficient regulatory system. We are being crushed by a massive national debt which weakens the dollar, diminishes our credibility and influence abroad, and threatens the very existence of American leadership. We have seen the traditional family crumble over the past thirty years, and watched children struggle through poverty and broken homes. The first Republican President Abraham Lincoln once said that “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
With the ills that currently plague America, it is easy to forget our strengths. Our strengths inherently lie within the individual skill and brilliance of each citizen of the country, present and future. I firmly believe that conservative policy prescriptions can help remedy many of the ills which plague our nation, specifically because they champion the individual, and allow American ingenuity and creativity to solve our problems.
I hope to see Governor Romney elected President and I hope to see him enact a series of reforms which will strengthen both our tax code and our fiscal position, and will lead to greater economic growth and more economic opportunity. This renewed strength will help strengthen our position abroad, and uphold the international system that has made us an indispensable nation since its crafting. In the long term, I hope that this election serves as a wake up call to our nation, and a reminder that our window of opportunity for action, while still open, is shrinking with every day. I pray that a resurgence of conservative principles and policies will lead to a resurgence of our nation, and will both reinvigorate and revitalize the belief in the American idea. I believe that electing governor Romney as our next president is an important first step in achieving these goals.  

*If you liked this article then check back for Part 2: The Haverford Democrats

Charlotte Bax is a Junior at Haverford College and is majoring in History with double-minors in French and Film. She is originally from Santa Monica, California, but has also lived in San Francisco and currently resides in London with her family. Charlotte enjoys cooking, watching movies, going to sports games in Philadelphia. In addition, she enjoys traveling, surfing with her dog Cassie, and skiing during the winter in Solitude, Utah. After college, Charlotte hopes to start her own line of women's sports apparel.