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Her Campus x Primark Student Night: The Ultimate Primark In-Store Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Primark, the student night of the year! Lines go out the door for this baby, and this year was no different.

And the line was worth the wait for three floors of pure goodness (though getting there early has its pluses–the first 100 got a Primark giftcard).

THATS RIGHT!!! Intermixed with the amazing styles Primark has to offer, there were snacks, photo booths, makeup artists, and more!

The makeup artists were defitely a this year–thats how we ran into Her Campus Boston College <3

Shoutout to our loves over at BC!!!

The photo booth was also a fave, and its been a Her Campus x Primark Student Night since the very beginning. One of our CC’s and our creative director got some adorable pics together.

Overall the night, festivities, and fashion were amaaaazing. I already can’t wait ’till next year!!



harvard contributor
✰ Lupe ✰ Harvard Juior ✰ Insta: @inguadwetrust