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Best Kept Health Secrets On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

As the temperature gets warmer and the skirts begin to emerge underneath the puffers, I’ve been thinking: It’s time to get whipped into shape! As Elle Woods so eloquently said,

It’s not easy between lectures, club meetings, section, labs, and midterms.  But it is definitely possible, and so worth it – our campus has an amazing network if you’re looking to get into shape.  I’ve assembled the following guide to take advantage of all the amazing opportunities at Harvard!


Hem – This newly renovated law school gym gets a 9.5/10 for its state-of-the-art machines, primo TV stations, and great classes.  You can even sign up for a personal trainer who will specifically create a workout routine for you.  Pro tip: The Zumba classes are so energizing!

Even though at Zumba I may be more like Mindy Kaling than Shakira, the upbeat music makes the workout so much more fun that the tedious treadmills!

MAC – With the added bonus of being five minutes away from the Yard, the Malkin Athletc Center gets an 8.5/10.  The ellipticals have a great view of the pool, and the yoga classes are on point. Pro tip: Bring your own towel if you come in to swim!

Best Berg Healthy Meal

When you hit Annenberg after your workout, grab a turkey burger and all with a side salad and banana: the primo meal after a workout.

Center for Wellness

Located inside the Holyoke/Smith Campus Center, the Center for Wellness offers meditation classes and a library available for all students to check out books on healthy living, free of charge.

Fun Campus Events

Last week was Harvard Freshman Health Project’s Health Week

The Harvard Undergraduate Council, led by Ingrid Li, worked to organize events throughout the week to promote healthy lifestyles.  One very popular event was the Freshman Yoga Class, in which the first ten participants received free Lululemon yoga mats.  Inner peace and Lululemon, what more could you ask for?!

Check out this website to keep updated on events!

Most Beautiful Run

Running across the Charles on a beautiful day is the ultimate Harvard moment :)

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