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Avocado Masks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hartford chapter.

What you need:

1 Fork
1 Spoon
1 Knife
2 Bowls
1 Clove of Garlic
1 aspirin tablet (not gel capsules)
1 Avocado 
1 Egg
3 Leaves of Mint
Step 1:
Cut the Avocado in half and take out the pit. Put both sides into a bowl and set it aside.
Step 2: 
Next take the second bowl and the aspirin tablet and crush it with the back of the spoon into a dust, then chop the garlic into thinly and throw it into the bowl along with the mint and avocado and mix together.
Step 3:
Separate and add the egg yolk to the bowl and mix together. 
Step 4:
Use the back of the spoon to apply the mixture to your face in a decent-sized even layer and leave on for 10-15 minutes, then wash off.

*Put your leftovers in a tupperware container and save it for later in the week or to share with your friends!

Greetings HerCampus Users! Miranda here! I'm a freshman on the University of Hartford Campus majoring in Communications. I'm the PR&Marketing Director as well as Style Editor for the Her Campus, so if you have any suggestions for an article let me know! I'm always willing to make another friend so if you ever see me around, say hi! Contact Information: Find me on Facebook! Instagram: @crazyxmirandaxsoup Twitter: @mschmalfuhs