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Was GHOE Really the Greatest Homecoming on Earth?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Was G.H.O.E. really the greatest homecoming on earth? Is suede not a fashion staple in every woman’s closet? Is Hampton University not the Standard of Excellence? From the parties to the tailgate, from the band to the game, G.H.O.E. lived up to all the hype.

For all of the underclassman who are debating on making the trip next year,do it. It is definitely one of those, “You remember when we were in college and…?” moments, and  one of those times that makes up the “College Experience” we all want to have. And for all of the ladies, it is a melting pot of some of the most beautiful men the South has to offer; young, brown skinned, and educated, if that does not make you want to go, I don’t know what else will!

Let’s talk about the tailgate. Imagine the student center filled, multiply that by 10, add a stage, DJ, music, and food and honestly you probably still aren’t there. The tailgate was an all day block party, with so many people. As one of the main homecoming weekend events, I would give it an “A.”

Party, party, party, who doesn’t love to dress up for homecoming events? There are almost too many parties to choose from so make sure that you coordinate with someone and go to the right event! Always come dressed to impress. For all of my fellow Hamptonians who spent last weekend in North Carolina, you are very aware that the Aggies were not prepared for the Hampton Woman. Slay with no delay ladies. They will definitely be impressed.

Make sure you don’t go all the way to North Carolina and not try new food! Right after the tailgate, if you have not eaten already, head over to Dame’s Chicken and Waffles. It is the best food combination, especially after a day’s worth of turn up! The G.H.O.E experience is definitely one that I would do again.

So was G.H.O.E. really G.H.O.E? All I can say is that I enjoyed my time with the Aggies, and you definitely will too!

My name is London Coleman-Williams, a graduating senior, strategic communications major, marketing and leadership studies dual minor studying at the illustrious Hampton University. I happen to be in love with all things fashion, pop culture, and public relations, and one of my favorite quotes is, "I am here to learn, I am here to evolve, I am here to give, I am here to slay", by Janelle Monae.
Lauren Hendricks is a Junior, Journalism major at Hampton University. When she's not busy studying, serving as a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Hampton U or staying involved on Hampton's campus, she can be found at a local Starbucks, mall or on her yoga mat. Lauren is enthusiastic about community service and telling stories. Check here for blog posts and updates.