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Transitioning from Hot Girl summer to Hot Girl semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Summer’s over. It’s time to trade out those weeknight parties for your 9am classes; put down the bottle and pick up your planner. But if you’re anything like me, transitioning from your hot girl summer can be more of a process


With school starting after Labor Day this year, everything just seems…off. Through the first week of school, you may have found yourself still staying out till 2am, binging your go-to ABC store drink, or not even having the energy to flip through a syllabus. Sadly though, these habits will not sustain a 4.0 szn. Here are some tips to help you make a smooth transition from your hot girl summer into a hot girl semester.

1. Set a bedtime

Don’t think of this in the traditional sense of your parents telling you lights out by 9. Your bedtime could be 12am or even 2am, depending on your preference and class schedule. Get in the habit of being in bed by a certain time to put yourself on a routine. Not only do you want to get your desired hours of sleep each night, but it will get you in a pattern so you’re not straying outside of that routine all the time and feeling out of wack. In fact, you may feel so inclined to tell people no when they ask you to hang out after a certain time. 

2. Get a planner or whiteboard

If this wasn’t already on your list of college essentials, go ‘head and add it. Staying organized can be imperative to your success during the semester. Write down any homework assignments, meetings, or upcoming events you know you’re prone to forget. 

3.Practice self-care

Everyone stresses the importance of self-care so why are you not doing it?? Set one day or  night that you have to not do any homework, not think about anything school-related, just wind down. It can be by yourself with a face mask and netflix chillin in your room, or a wine Wednesday with your faves.

4. Lean on your friends

Remember that you’re not doing this alone. Stick with your friends and they can help get you through the semester. Whether it’s having someone to go out with or setting up a weekly study date, you may need that extra push from someone else. Motivate each other.

5. Have fun…but get that degree

Please don’t let school stress you out. Never forget the reason you’re here, but have fun with it. You can still turn up every weekend, long as you’re ready for your next exam. Just because summer is over doesn’t mean the fun is too. Get in your bag sis, it’s a hot girl semester.

Kennedi Jackson is a senior journalism major, leadership studies minor from Atlanta, GA. She is one of the 2020-2021 associate editors for the HerCampus Hampton U chapter. Post-graduation, Kennedi hopes to work in an editorial position, communications department, or digital media.
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