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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

“Chivalry is dead! Guys don’t act as they used to back then, they don’t take you on dates at all! They barely open doors for you and they don’t act as gentlemen.” At least that’s how it seems to Kayla Holmes a Freshman from Maryland.

We’ve all seen those cute, romantic movies of people on a date; him helping her in and out of the car and giving her his blazer when she’s cold. Does our generation experience those acts of chivalry or are they a movie fantasy? What happened to paying for dinners and drinks, pulling out chairs and walking closest to the street? Is Chivalry dead or alive?

Times change and the expectations that men and women have for one another is completely different. Men were taught to allow women to go first and to shield her from any harm, they were to provide for her no matter what. Women were taught to depend on a male to give her everything and to wait on their man’s every breath. But times have changed and now an abundance of women are the bread winners.With women taking this power it seems to have made men jealous and feeling useless which might be their excuse not to show acts of chivalry.

“As a 19 year old woman I shouldn’t be able to say that I had one long term relationship and several short relationships and I’ve only been on about 4 dates in my whole life. It’s sad and it shows me that the way that relationships are conducted is completely different now. I’ve never had a car door opened for me or a chair pulled out for me to sit in. That speaks volumes to how much men lack chivalry” says La’Maya Samuel.

What males don’t seem to realize is that just because women want to be liberated and don’t want any restrictions against us doesn’t mean that we should be treated as less than a woman. At the end of the day we are still pure delicate flowers who deserve to be swept off their feet and treated like a Queen. Going on dates and being told that your beautiful shouldn’t be taken away from women just because we want social equality.

“Some girls are extremely entitled and believe that doors should be held open for them, compliments should be given out on a regular basis and that they should automatically get all of that chivalry which in my opinion comes with a relationship. Once I held a door for a girl at my school and she didn’t say thank you so when I asked her why she didn’t acknowledge it she explained  ‘that’s what I’m supposed to do’” said by Edwin Lee a Sophomore from Brooklyn, New York

Chivalry might be dead but it has the potential to come back to life if women and men put pride and egos aside for the greater good. Extend a hand to make sure that the women standing next to you is okay and women humble yourself and allow a man to do what he feels is right to do for you.

  Olivia is a Sophomore Strategic Communications major Marketing minor form Staten Island, New York. She loves going out to eat, planning events and giving back to the community. Olivia hopes that through her writing and community outreach that she can positively change a young woman's life even if it is in the smallest way possible.